Chapter 3: Translate This

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      You and Tails had just finished making a machine called the Universal Translator. It could translate any language into English. Although, you swear Tails did most of the work.
     Anyway, you and Tails were on the beach getting ready to show the gang. We walked up.
   "Hey guys." Tails called, startling Sticks, making her scream a bit. "I- uh sorry we, just perfected one of our most brilliant inventions yet. Meet U.T. The universal translator. Designed to translate any language into our own." Tails said, pulling the cover off while you did jazz hands.
*blink, blink* "Allow me to demonstrate." Tails said, gesturing towards some birds in their nest.
"The fact that you pre-chew my food is repulsive." U.T. translated.
"Hey, it works." Knuckles said.
"Didn't see that one coming." U.T. translated.
"Um, it's still talking?" Knuckles said, questionably.
"I thought this thing just translated birds." (I'm using this font for U.T. only)
"Since what you're saying doesn't need to be translated, U.T. Is translating it into what you really mean." Tails said, scratching his head. 'Man, he's too cute.' You think then mentally slap yourself. 'Stop thinking like that.'
"I didn't intend for it to do that but, I will gladly accept full credit." Tails glared at U.T. then looked at you. At his translation you were just a tad bit mad and a little hurt. You were more hurt though, cause you couldn't stay mad at Tails and knew he didn't mean it like that.
You weren't that hurt cause, like I said, the invention was more of his idea. Although, when you looked into Tails's eyes, you saw a flash of worry and guilt. You simply smiled at him as if to say it's ok.
"That's great Tails... oh yeah and (Y/N) too." Amy said.
"Pretty lame. Oh dang it I forgot (Y/N) too. Sorry (Y/N).'
"That's not what I was thinking at all." Amy said, putting her hands up.
'Man, I am totally busted.'
"Tails, (Y/N) I think it needs some more work!" Amy exclaimed.
'If that thing doesn't shut its metal trap I think I might die.'
"Wait, this thing reads minds?" Stick asked.
'Wait, this thing reads minds?'
  "Get it out of my head!" Sticks yelled.
   'Get it out of my head.'
"Now, now calm down, Sticks." Knuckles said, picking up Sticks.
  'Take it easy wackjob.'
  "Hey!" Sticks said, obviously offended.
  'I am displeased.'
"Don't be offended Sticks. Knuckles, didn't mean to think that." Sonic said.
'He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.'
    "Ggrr." Knuckles growled a bit.
  "Guys, quit fighting, someone is going to get hurt." You said, standing between the 3 of them.
  'I'm worried about my friends well being.'
   "Aw, that's sweet and I agree with (Y/N)." Tails said, standing next to you.
  '(Y/N) is so adorable and nice. Also, she's right, this violence is unnecessary.'
   You blush lightly at the translation and look at Tails. He had a light blush on his face, and when he looked at you; you smiled and looked at your ever so interesting feet. While you were looking down, you noticed, somehow, your hand was intertwined with Tails's; causing you to blush an even brighter red.
    "Tails, (Y/N) I think it's best if you shut that thing off before it reveals anything too...sensitive." Amy said, gesturing towards U.T.
    'Shut that thing off before it tells Sonic that lllllll......' U.T. Was saying before Tails quickly shut him off.
   "Um Amy, what was it saying?" Sonic asked, scratching his head.
   "Nothing, nothing important." Amy said, waving her hands in front of you. The whole time Eggman had a spy watching the gang.

                    ~At Eggman's lair~

    "Interesting. It seems Tails and (Y/N)'s new invention is causing friction between Sonic and his friends." Eggman said, slamming his fist against his counter thingy. (He remembered your name and Amy can't! What the heck?)
   "Yeah and they're not getting along either." Cubot said. (He's the stupid one).
   "This gives me an idea. If I can build a duplicate robot to replace the original, I could have it say whatever I want! They'll be at each other's throats in no time and with the group divided, I can destroy them once and for all!" Eggman said, throwing his hands in the air.
   "Mhahahamhahaha!" Eggman started laughing evilly.
  "Hahahahaha!" Orbot and Cubot started laughing along with him.
  "Don't do it with me, you're ruining it." Eggman said angerly.

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