Chapter 8: Eggheads

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It was a dark and stormy night... and Eggman's lair was not quiet what so ever. Eggman was wide awake, hatching another evil skeme.
"Hahahahahaha, yes my minions, this might very well be my greatest creation yet." Eggman said evilly. Another bolt of lightening flashed while Orbot and Cubot were huddled in a corner. Eggman pulled out a hair in his mustache.
"Ow." He said simply. He then took it and examined it under a magnifying glass. *two more lightening flashes*. Eggman placed the hair in some oven thing. *another lightening flash*.
  Some liquid then squirted through a blue tube. It then showed a screen with Eggman's DNA on it.
  "Yes, yes. Rise my creation, rise!" Eggman exclaimed creepily. *another bolt of lightening flashes*.  2 hoses then come unplugged, sending steam everywhere. Then, more red liquid squirted through the blue tube. Next, 2 more hoses came out of their sockets, spraying steam everywhere.
   *2 more bolts of lightening flash*. Steam was now everywhere, making Eggman look extra creepy. Orbot and Cubot clung to each other like their life depended on it.
"Muhahahahahaha. *ding. Eggman takes the cookies out of the oven*. He huh." Eggman laughed/stated.
"All that for cookies?" Orbot questions.
"Evil cookies." Eggman argues, holding a cookie near his face.
"Sweet! I'll go get the evil milk." Cubot declares, walking out the door.

~At Sonic's house~

A robot tentacle placed a basket of cookies on Sonic's porch. Sonic then walked out of his house, and sniffed the air.
"Wow, cookies. I hope this turns out better than the last time someone left baked good on my doorstep." Sonic says, holding a cookie.
There was an oddly large cake sitting upon Sonic's porch. Out of nowhere, Knuckles popped out of it with four sparklers, 2 in each hand. For a long while, Knuckles and Sonic just kind of stared at each other. Knuckles frowned.
"Awkward?" Knuckles asks.
"Awkward." Sonic answers. *pause*.
"It'll just be another minute." Knuckles replies. He just kind of sat there for awhile longer.

~Back to the present~

"Uh." Sonic says, shaking his head slightly. He then goes to take a bite of the cookie- *beep beep beep*- his communicator went off. Sonic presses it.
"Hey Sonic, you there? (Y/N) and I need a little help." Tails's voice says.
"Is it urgent Tails? I'm kind of in the middle of something." Sonic asks, looking at his cookie. Tails is then almost hit with the tube of a vacuum. He quickly ducked behind a table, the one you were behind, to be exact.
"Um, yeah." Tails replies.
"Ok, I'm on my way buddy." Sonic says, dropping the cookie in the basket while running off to the workshop.
"No! Come back and eat that cookie, you mutant blue rat! Erg. *Knuckles walks up to the basket*. No, no, no!" Yells an angry Eggman. Knuckles then grabs both a cookie and the milk.
"Well, don't mind if I do." He says, tossing the cookie up, which lands directly in his mouth. He then tossed the milk up and caught with his other hand, waiting for it to pour into his mouth.
When it didn't, he opened one eye, only then to have it pour into that eye, causing him to trip and fall. When he fell, a red glow surrounded him.

         ~At the workshop~

   "Back, back I say." Sonic commanded while the three of you swing chairs at an out-of-control vacuum.  You frown.
'This isn't working very well.' You sigh. (Ok, the thing I'm about to say isn't true or is, I don't know cause they didn't show it in the show). You then hope off the table, and start running at the vacuum with both of your swords.
   Which, fortunately, were located on your back. While running, you jumped at the vacuum, spinning in midair. This move (IDK) managed to get you a single scratch on the vacuum. You growl slightly.
   You run up to it again, only for it to unexpectedly swing it's tube thing at you. This caught you off guard, causing the vacuum to have a chance at hitting you. It then hit you in the stomach, launching you to the wall. You yelped in pain.
  "(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Tails asked while kneeling next to you.  You nodded while Tails extended his hand for you to take. You, of course, took it and Tails pulled you up. Then you, Tails, and Sonic charged at the vacuum.

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