Chapter 9: Guilt Tripping

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You, Sonic, and Tails were racing on hoverboards. You and Sonic were in the lead, tying each other while Tails was about a foot behind you.
"You may be faster on foot, but I invented these things." Tails says, jumping up and doing a front flip over both you and Sonic. Of course, Tails had to go onto your lane, so you decided to do something you had done before.
"Hey Tails, remember this?" You ask as you push your board down to the lane (it was still moving forward) while you jumped up and did a backflip over him. You then land perfectly on your board, about 2 feet in front of Tails. Tails smiled at you.
"Of course I remember. It was the day I met you, but you did it in the opposite direction so I wouldn't run into you." Tails replies. You giggle lightly and give him a thumbs-up.
"Not bad, my turn." Sonic says, doing a front flip over both you and Tails. With him being, well, him, he smirked at the both of you not paying attention to where he was going. As soon as you saw the branch it was to late.
Sonic went spinning around it, bounced off 2 trees, and landed on the ground. Both you and Tails fly up to him.
"Wow! That was the coolest thing I have ever seen!" Tails exclaims. You nod and giggle in agreement. Of course, the giggle was barely audible again.
"Really?" Sonic asks standing up.
"You look cool even when you're making a complete fool of yourself." Tails replies. You giggle again.
"And everybody knows Sonic is the best at making a fool of himself." You say teasingly. Tails laughs a little.
"Oh yeah? You're going to pay for that." Sonic replied evilly. You tilt your head in confusion as Sonic came closer to you.
"How?" You ask. Sonic then jumps and starts tickling you. You don't react though, since you aren't ticklish. "I'm not ticklish. Also, I feel uncomfortable with you touching me." You say bluntly.
"Really? You're not? That's kind of odd. I thought everyone had some ticklish spot. Wait, you're comfortable with Tails touching you but no one else?" Sonic asks.
"I'm not ticklish, but I have a weak spot where, if you pet me, I'll purr. Also, yes I don't mind Tails touching me, but if it's anyone else it's just weird." You'll reply. Tails smiles.
"Now I'm so going to find that weak spot." He says, starting to rub your neck. You shake your head. He then scratches you behind the ears in which you start purring immediately. You blush lightly.
"I think he found your weak spot." Sonic says while laughing lightly.
"I...uh, I... um......" You trail off, rubbing the back of your neck. Tails takes both of your cheeks in his hands and looks into your eyes with a somewhat serious look. This look instantly brightens as he smiles.
"You're so adorable!!" Tails says excitedly. You blush heavily and look down, eyes trailing the ground.
"Anyway, shouldn't you find that hoverboard Sonic?" You ask him. He nods and pulls back a bush in 2 parts, revealing the hoverboard.
"Alright, load 'em up. Hurry up and nobody gets hurt." A bandit says to some towns people, who were obediently putting there possessions in a sack.
"Wow, we got to stop those jerks." Sonic says, running over to them as you and Tails followed on your hoverboards.
"What's going on here?" Sonic asks irritatedly.
"Oh, these delightful young men were just ransacking our poor village and taking all our possessions." An odd animal with a crown explains while putting something else in the sack.
"They probably need them more than we do, being bandits living on the lam and all." Another odd animal explains.
"Yeah so back off blue guy! This is what we do." A bandit with a red scarf around his face says. He also appeared to be the leader.
"Oh yeah? Well this is what we do!" Sonic says, spin-dashing into them causing them to fall in a circle. Tails then tosses him a vine. Sonic then ties them up with it. You then tied another vine to the one they were tied up with, which was tied to a tree.
"This isn't over." The lead bandit said. Then the tree launched the three bandits into the air. "I spoke to soon!" The leader yelled as he flew off.
"Thank you, strange travelers. You've saved us Gogobas from the scourge of weasel bandits and scattered all our belongings carelessly across the dirt." The Gogoba with a crown on said. By this time, you figured out he was the chief.
"Sorry, I'll help pick them up." Tails says, stars tarting to kneel down.
"Oh no, we wouldn't want to trouble you. I'll do it myself. It probably won't cause my chronic back pain to flare up too much." An older lady Gogoba says, bending a little. "Ow!" She yelped. You, Sonic, and Tails give each other uncertain looks.
"Oh, don't worry about her. She'll pass out from the pain soon! In the mean time, the rest of us will throw our valued heroes a victory feast." The chief said as two Gogobas carried in a table full of fruit and a big chicken.
"Oh thanks but, we really gotta-" Sonic started but was cut off.
"It's ok, we know how busy you are. In a few months, this'll turn into compost and we'll be able to grow new food to eat." The chief said.
"Eh well, I guess we could start for a quick bite." Sonic replies.
"Wonderful!" The chief says excitedly. Three Gogobas then bring in logs for you, Sonic, and Tails to sit on. The three of you sit down, and take a bite out of some fruit. You then look at the Gogobas, who weren't eating anything.
"Em, aren't you guys gonna eat?" Sonic asks.
"Oh no. We'd much rather watch you enjoy your food." The chief says.
"That's the only nourishment we need." A female Gogoba adds. Her stomach then growls. "That was a growl of joy." She says. You give her a doubtful look.
"These Gogobas are so nice." Tails says.
"Yeah, so, why do I feel so terrible?" Sonic asks. Tails gives us a serious look.
"We've got to get out of here." He says. Three Gogobas then walk up with some more stuff. You, Sonic, and Tails stand up.
"Uh, that was really delicious. We loved it. Loved, loved, loved it, but we should probably get going." Sonic says, walking off. You see the three Gogobas frown.
"Of course, of course. Why would you want to stay with us after we made you this incredible meal?" The chief asks.
"No, we do want to stay, it's just that-" Tails was cut off.
"Wonderful! Allow us to prepare your accommodations." The chief says. Then two Gogobas set up s bed with a long, cylinder like pillow. They then toss the three on you onto it and start fanning you.
"Fetch our new friends the finest, softest blankets in the village." The chief orders. A blanket was then draped upon the three of you. Tails was in the middle with you on the right of him and Sonic on the left.
"Maybe this won't be so bad." Tails says, smiling slightly.
"The children in the nursery can huddle together for warmth." The chief says. Sonic groans while you snuggle against Tails. By the time it was night, you were fast asleep; a light blush covering both Tails's and your faces. Even though you were asleep.
"Hey, the Gogobas are finally gone, let's sneak out of here." Sonic says while nudging Tails. Tails then gestures toward your sleeping figure. Sonic motioned back to Tails telling him to pick you up. Tails nods.
Tails then picked you up bridal-style and both he and Sonic started to sneak out of the village. You snuggle into Tails a bit more; still asleep. This caused Tails to blush lightly. Then both Tails and Sonic tip-toed around a tree, only to run into the Gogobas.
"Can we get you something?" The chief asked. Both Sonic and Tails jumped a little in surprise.
"Wow! Where did you come from? We thought everyone was asleep." Sonic says, gesturing toward them.
At the sound of voices, you wake up and open your eyes; jumping out of Tails arms with your swords out. As soon as you realized where you were, you sheathed your swords and adjusted your glasses.
"How could we sleep got guests to take care of?" The chief questions. Then, Fastidious Beaver appears out of nowhere.
"Actually, it's guests of whom to take care." He corrects.
"We can't sleep.... of whom..." A male Gogoba says in a confused manner.
"We really should be on our way." Tails interjects.
"Go, go. We'll be fine." The chief says.
"Until the next inevitable bandit attack." A female Gogoba says.
"It's ok, just promise someday you'll come back and visit." The chief says.
"The smoking crater where our village used to be." The female adds in. You roll your eyes. Then, you, Sonic, and Tails just kind of shrug and start walking away.
"Wait! I got heirloom tomatoes and some really nice pastrami. I'll pack you sandwiches." A male says. The Gogobas then walk away. You, Sonic, and Tails look at each other.
"Tails, (Y/N), these guys are nuts." Sonic says.
"We got to get out of here." Tails says frustratedly.
"But how? We're stuck here as long as there's a threat from those bandits." Sonic says.
"That's it, if we can create a defense system for the village, the Gogobas will be safe and we can leave!" Tails says excitedly. You nod in agreement.
"Yeah, but what if I'm right and they're just nuts?" Sonic asks.
"That's a chance I'm willing to take." Tails replies. You guys then set up the trap. Tying ropes here, spreading leaves there, and tying cages up in trees.
"Gogoba village, allow us to present your new, state of the art defense system." Sonic says, gesturing towards the defense system.
"You no longer need is to protect you from invaders, and, the best part is, it's totally full proof." Tails explains.
"Goodbye friends." Sonic says, waving his hand and walking away while you and Tails follow. A second later, the Gogobas set off the whole defense system. The three of you turn around and see the Gogobas hanging upside down.
"Oh come on." Sonic says, annoyed.
"Seriously?" Tails asked irritatedly. You roll your eyes and face-palm.
"I'm so sorry. I wish I had a better excuse, but it's hard to concentrate while all the blood is rushing to my head." The chief says.
"We'll just hang here until we go numb." A female adds.
"Then our bodies will reflect our emotional state." A male adds in. You, Sonic, and Tails walk away.
"We can totally fight Eggman or bandits, but how do we fight guilt?" Tails asks.
"We could just ignore them and leave. This species obviously can't take care of themselves and is going to die out over time anyway." You suggest. Both Sonic and Tails look at you.
"Really? We can't just leave them." Tails says. You roll your eyes.
"Aren't we about to that anyway?" You ask. Sonic nods.
"We could fight it with.....more guilt! Follow my lead." Sonic says, running over to the chief with both you and Tails behind him.
"Hey, uh, chief? It has been great and all, but, unfortunately, we have to go now." Sonic says while you and Tails nod in agreement.
"But we haven't finished stitching your friendship quilt." The chief says. You, Sonic, and Tails look over to see a Gogoba stitching a blanket with the three of you and some Gogobas on it.
You look at the chief only to see him narrow his eyes in a challenging way. The three of you narrow your eyes back; a wind blowing dirt and a dried bush across the grass.
"Alright, he, well we could stay, but our plants back at home. Without us there to water them, ah well, I suppose it's their own fault for being plants." Sonic replies, narrowing his eyes.
"No, you have to go. Far be it from us to let the well being of our entire society hold you back from watering your precious house plant." The chief said. You smirk.
"Oh, Ok. Bye." You say, walking away. Sonic and Tails stare at you in disbelief.
"Oh, usually that works on people. I guess you're just not kind hearted." The chief says. This caused you to stop, turn around, and stand directly in front of him.
"Maybe I'm not a kind hearted person, but I'm nicer than you. You're just plain, flat out annoying and I have friends and a village to help protect from a bigger threat than some pitiful bandits. Those bandits, by the way, could simply be taken out with a little bit of self-defense. I suppose your village simply lacks the strength for that though. Anyway, goodbye." You say, grabbing your hoverboard you fly back to your village.
You take the chocolate chunk cookies you made yesterday day out of the fridge and eat one, saving the rest.

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