Chapter 22: Battle of the Boy Bands

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              It was a normal, nice, and sunny day on Bygone Island. (Guys, I think I've been either saying the wrong word or just spelling the name of the village/island wrong this whole me...)
I was walking around with Sonic, Tails, Sticks, and Knuckles, lagging behind Sonic, Knuckles, and Sticks a tad bit with Tails. We were talking about something I've been putting off for way to parents. I look at Tails.
"-Anyway, we really need to do some searching. I know you want to hold back on it, but you've done that so much already...don't you want to know more about your past?" Tails says. I sigh, glancing at the ground.
"Of course I want to know more, it's seems like there's something about me I don't want to know. If Eggman knows my weakness...who's to say he didn't play a major roll in my past? What if he...raised me...or something?" I reply.
"(Y/N)...I'm almost sure that it's nothing like that..." Tails tries to reassure me. I raise an eyebrow. 'Almost sure?' That doesn't help very much...but I know where he's coming from.
That could be a definite possibility. Dang it...logic, statistics, please don't backfire on me now... I'm about to say something else, but I'm cut off by a T.V reporter.
"Breaking news. An epidemic is spreading across the globe. Beaver fever!" The T.V reporter, the Soar the Eagle guy, says. I look down slightly, and in front of me, as does everyone else. Noticing Fastidious Beaver, we all take a step back.
"I'm not talking about an actual disease, of course. I'm colorfully describing the mania surrounding teen singing sensation- Justin Beaver." Soar announces, a picture of a teal and white beaver with a green puffy dress popping up.
As I look at it, as well as the next clip of him, I start to realize that he kind of looks like Dave the intern...just shorter, and without the braces.
"Girls everywhere are going gaga for this team heartthrob. They just can't get enough of him. And, suddenly, Dad, the anchor bird, isn't cool anymore. Well, maybe Justin Beaver will put the bill for private school instead of buying those golf clubs he really wanted!" Soar then says. I roll my eyes slightly.
I usually don't mind all famous pop-stars, such as Taylor Sniff, for example, but this one just seems annoying. He's probably one of those guys that can sing really high-pitch or something, and it can make your eardrums explode.
           "Just what this world needs; another cookie-cutter pop-star force-fed to us by the man!" Sticks exclaims as the five of us start to walk off.
            "You're right. This Beaver-fever thing is clearly just a marketing ploy to sell substandard music to gullible teenage girls. Who could possibly fall for it?" Sonic then questions. Immediately after he does, though, Amy comes running in, merchandise in her hands.
             "Isn't Justin great?! When I listened to his first song, 'Girl, I Like You' I wasn't sure if Justin was actually talking about me, but, then, his next song was titled, 'Yes, I'm Actually Talking About You' and I, totally freaked out!" Amy exclaims. I frown, ears drooping slightly. She fell for this?
          "How can you allow yourself to become a pawn of the corporate fat cats?" Sticks questions quickly.
            "Before you judge, just listen to one track. I don't want to overhype it, but he's the greatest entertainer who ever lived!" Amy yells in excitement.
             We then head over to Amy's, and me, knowing the music isn't going to be very good, secretly puts my earbuds into my ears. I play some of my favorite songs, hoping to block out Justin's music.
       Some songs that were included were: (f/s), (s/f/s), and 'Heathens'. (Hehe, sorry, I just wanted to add in Heathens, but you don't have to have it XD). As Amy turned in the music, she became all jittery and jumpy.
Luckily, I didn't hear the slightest bit of his song, and no one seemed to catch me with my earbuds in. Anyway, Amy was fangirling so much...which, I can relate to, but not even I fangirl so much, even when it's about (f/show/movie/book)...ok, maybe I do. Never mind that, though.
By the look on Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails's face, I was happy with my choice of putting my earbuds in. I see Amy dancing about cheerfully, which makes me smile slightly. I'll admit, it's nice to see my friend happy. Sonic then clicks the radio off, so I take out my earbuds.
"Ugh, that was terrible." Sonic complains.
"I finally have a soundtrack for my nightmares." Knuckles then says. Now I'm really glad I put those earbuds in.
" it!" Sticks exclaims. Wait...what?
"I knew I could rely on Sticks to be the voice of reason!" Amy then says, which makes Tails frown.
"We're though the looking glass here, people. White is black, and black is white." Tails comments.
"Wait until you hear the rest of the album!" Amy exclaims while jumping up and squealing. I grumble under my breath slightly while my ears go flat against my head. I quickly cover them with my hands as Sticks starts to fangirl as well.
Ok...I'm intrigued now. Why would Sticks be this excited over an entertainer she was dissing earlier? Maybe I'll listen to one might have some sort of effect...but it only seems to be affecting the girls.
"Hey Sticks, are you still on for rock climbing tomorrow?" Sonic questions the through their squeals.
"Uh, sure, whatever." Sticks replies quickly before returning to her fangirl screaming. Ok, something is definitely wrong with Sticks. The guys, obviously annoyed, stand up and start walking out.
I go outside, stopping Tails while Sonic and Knuckles walk off to do whatever. I poke Tails, which quickly gets his attention. He turns to me, a slightly strained smile on his face. I frown slightly at that.
"Hey, um...I'm not the only one who noticed there was something wrong with Sticks, right? I, uh, though it might be a good idea to stay back, and maybe listen to one of the songs. It seems to be having an...odd...effect on girls." I say, to which Tails gives me a confused look.
"It didn't have an effect on you, as it seems." He points out, to which I run the back of my neck sheepishly while pulling out my (phone/iPod) and earbuds. "You cheater." Tails then says, an actual smile coming to his lips.
", well, I do want to see what is going on. It does seem strange- Sticks fangirling out like that as well as basically turning down the chance to rock climb, you know?" I reply. Tails nods.
"You're right, it is really strange. Just call or text me if you need help. I would love to stay and actually be of assistance...but, um, I don't want to be around those two, nor do I want to hear anymore of that music. Oh, and, if you find an answer, come back to the lab. We can start studying any discoveries you have, as well as start looking up your parents." Tails says, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Sure. That sounds like a good plan..." I reply while blushing ever so slightly. Tails then kisses my nose and walks off. I smile after him, turning back to the house. I open up the door again, only to realize Sticks and Amy are still fangirling. I sigh. "Um...instead of just fangirling over it, shouldn't you guys actually listen to the music?"
"Of course! Great idea (Y/N)!" Amy exclaims, turning on the radio. The music starts to play, and, as I listened, I felt a throbbing in my head. I blink, trying to shake it off. It was probably nothing...
The song continues to play, and, as it plays, Sticks and Amy seem to become more and more infatuated with it. I feel myself slowly getting used to it, becoming ok with it, but the logical side of me stops this.
One moment, I hear the off-key voice of some random guy, the next I hear this other was nice. I sit there, throughly confused. Which is the real one? I want to say the off-key one, just because of the guy's reactions.
I once again feel this throbbing in my head, which makes raise a hand up to it. I want to relax, just enjoy the music, but part of me tells me not to. Like...there's some kind of spell. Was this really mind control or-?
I stand up, I couldn't listen to any more of this. My brain felt like it was going to explode. I quickly say my farewells and run out of Amy's house, and all the way to the one Tails and I share. This was way too weird...
             I burst into the lab, panting. Tails looks up, slightly alarmed. Tails comes over to me, quickly.
            "Are you all right? You didn't stay to long..." Tails comments. I glance up at him, still panting a little.
            "I'm...not sure. I-I do have a question, though. Did you-um, did the voice that came out of the radio change for you? Did it...go from a horribly off-key voice, to, nice and trancelike voice?" I question. Tails looks down at me, raising an eyebrow.
             "What? just sounded horribly off-key to me...What else happened?" Tails questions. I look over to him, taking a few deep breaths, and then finally regaining a steady flow of air.
              "My head...started throbbing. Part of me wanted to relax, just enjoy the music, but the other side of my head told me not I would fall under some sort of mind the throbbing kept getting worse the more I fought back in my head. Could this really be the result of mind control?" I explain. Tails shrugs.
             "I...don't know. That seems like a likely possibility, though. It would explain why Sticks was acting so...odd." Tails says. I frown.
            "Should we tell the others?"
I question. Tails puts a hand up to his chin.
           "I'm not sure. I doubt the girls will believe they're being controlled, but Sonic and Knuckles might actually agree. We can probably just do it tomorrow, since we are meeting up with both Sonic and Knuckles anyway. Besides, we have other matters to attend to- your parents." Tails replies.
            "But if my friends are being controlled, don't you think that it's more important to help them?" I say, but Tails puts a finger to my lips.
           "No. We've been putting this off for long enough. Now is as good as a time as any. We know what your powers are, and it shouldn't be to hard. We just need to get a book from the mayors office about all the residents- or past residents." Tails replies firmly. I sigh, but nod.
             "Wait...a book like that exists?" I ask. Tails nods, running the back of his neck slightly.
            "Yeah...I would've taken you so we could get it sooner, but I just found out about it recently." Tails admits. I face-palm.
            "Those things have existed all this time...dang it...that's so much wasted time. We could've done this so much sooner." I mumble. Tails grabs my hand while smiling at me, encouragingly.  I sigh as we head out the door, walking towards the mayor's office.
On the way, we pass the mechanical parts shop, where Mallory was standing at the cash register, talking to two older Mobians. I wave slightly, to which she waves back, and we then continue onward.
I'm glad they aren't by Village center, or else Mallory and her mother would've been taken over by the mind control.
As we pass more shops and homes, we finally come upon the giant building. As I look up at it, I feel a 'butterfly' flying around in my stomach from nervousness. Tails squeezes my hand gently, giving me another smile.
Feeling slightly reassured, we start walking inside the building. Although we had to take a number, it was easy- and fast- getting in and out of the office, the book of residents in my hands and the book of past residents in Tails's.
Besides me, there wasn't any girls... Tails and I also avoided Village Center and everything, where I could hear the slightest bit of music being played. It made my throb slightly, so we kept going faster.
             As we quickly make our way home, I can't help but think. What if my parents really are dead? Is this really something I want to find out? Tails nearly slams open the door, both of us setting the books on the counters.
Each of us sit on a stool as I glance down at the books. I then look up at Tails, who looks down at me.
"We should start with the past residents books...that way, if they are in won't have to go through nor bear the sadness of trying to after looking through the residents book. Does that make any sense?" Tails suggests. I nod.
"Y-yeah." I reply, my voice nearly cracking. Tails frowns, but starts to open the book.
"Your last name is (L/N), right?" Tails then questions. I nod. That's what the paper in the woods said both my first name and last name, er, that's what it's apparently supposed to be.
        Tails flips to the front/middle/back of the book, skimming through the names and pictures. After going through all of the section, Tails looks up at me, hope in his eyes.
            "They're not in there?" I ask, trying to contain my excitement. Tails nods.
            "Yeah, they're not in this one. Well, I mean, there are (L/N)s in this book, but they are said to be your Grandparents. You know...I kind of feel bad...these books are rewritten every single year, but oh well. Check the other one. I can only hope this means your parents are  alive and well." Tails says, the tiniest smile coming to his face.
             Quickly, I flip through the present residents book, searching for the last name (L/N). As scan through, I notice a picture of myself and another fox-mobian. She was wearing a red dress and actually looked pretty similar to myself. We were actually really young...
             I blink, looking under the picture to read the names. The caption read, 'The latest of the (L/N) line, (Y/N), the youngest, and her older sister Zooey.' So...I do have a sister.
Next to that picture showed two more photographs, but each were much more recent. My sister and I really did look a lot alike...she was just taller, and didn't have glasses.
          Underneath of those showed a picture of a happy couple, one being a white and yellow fox, like me, the other being yellow but with an orangish tint.
            That caption read, '(Mother's/N) and (Father's/N) (L/N), mother of father of (Y/N) and Zooey.' My eyes widen as I look at that. They're...alive. Both of them...are alive. So is my sister. A smile starts to break into my lips.
               My family...for once...I can find my family...I look over to Tails, then basically tackle him into a hug. Tails, although slightly surprised, smiles widely an laughs while wrapping his arms around me.
               " family...wait...I haven't seen them in forever...what if they don't like me? What if they got rid of me on purpose?" I start to say, my worrying side taking over. Tails rolls is eyes a little at me.
              "Honestly, (Y/N), this is your family. I'm sure they'll love you no matter what." Tails replies assuringly. I nod, taking a few deep breaths.   
              "Yeah, you're right. Everything will be all right." I say. Tails brings a hand to me head, ruffling my hair slightly. I yelp quietly before quickly fixing it, which makes Tails laugh lightly. I send him a small glare.
"So...when do you want to meet them?" Tails questions. I put a hand to my chin.
"I...don't know. Now probably isn't the best time, since my mother and sister are probably already under the mind control, you know?" I reply. Tails shrugs.
"We're not even sure this is mind control. Maybe we should just off-put the whole meeting-your-parents thing until next week. Hopefully this slightly conundrum will be over by then." Tails suggests. I nod.
"Yeah, and we can study our mind control theory tomorrow, since that's when we, Sonic and Knuckles included, we're going to go rock climbing with Sticks." I then say, which makes Tails nod in agreement.
I then glance outside, noticing that it had become dark. We weren't talking that long-were we? Tails notices this too, which makes him frown slightly.
"Come on. We still have to take the books back." Tails says, picking up the book of past residents. I pick up the book of residents and we take off back towards the mayor's office. I didn't really want to go-you know, because of the music- but I went anyway.
We took the same route as before, but I could still hear the music. To this, Tails and I kept going faster and faster. On the way, I took a small pit stop to warn Mallory and her family, hoping I didn't sound insane.
We then dropped off the books, and ran all the way back to Tails's house. As we make our way back, I notice my motorcycle and Tails's plane.
Why didn't we just take my motorcycle?! That would've been so much faster and we could've played music so I didn't have to hear Justin Beaver. Now I feel, oh well, it's too late now.
We quickly make our way into the house, shutting the door then plopping onto the couch. As I look up at Tails, he looks down at me. Together, we sigh and relax into the couch, instinctively cuddling.
"So, Angel Cakes, how do you feel about all this? How do you feel about the fact that you're going to finally meet your family?" Tails questions gently, arms wrapped around me. I snuggle into him more, thinking.
"...Excited, nervous...uh, all the things I should feel, I would guess." I reply, slightly unsure. Tails pulls me closer.
              "That would make sense..." He mumbles quietly. does, I guess. I guess it does.

Smarties (Tails X Reader) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now