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Ever since I saw that first picture of you, I was a goner before we even started talking

I never thought you'd think of me like you do

You're so wonderful; how could you love someone like me?

Whenever you give me compliments, I believe you

I don't believe anyone but you


When I first saw you in person, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with you

You jumped out of the car and hugged me; I found it hard to let go of you

My thoughts were jumbled: "He's real, he's actually real" "He's as close to perfect as someone can get" "God, I'm so in love"

I couldn't stop touching you because I needed to feel you there with me

I thought I was dreaming the whole time until I woke up the next day to your voice

Waking up to your voice made me feel the best I've felt in a long time

I felt warm and tingly all over; is that what love feels like?


I could talk about you for hours

Your laugh, your eyes, your personality, your voice

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me

I can't even think about letting you go because I've become so attached that I feel lost without you

You're so amazing, and I hope that you see yourself the way I see you someday

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