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He couldn't ebb the pain attacking his being

It started at his chest, slowly but surely eating, clawing its way through to his ribcage, to his heart, to his head, to his lungs

It's destroying him from the inside out and he feels so helpless, so alone

He couldn't numb the feelings he tries so hard to stop late at night

He just keeps shaking; he's always shaking

He hyperventilates just to get through it all; that's the only way he can bear it


Why is it that whenever you're near people your eyes close and you inhale sharply before you play with your fingers? That's probably a nervous habit

You always are around the same people, but they don't even pay attention to you

Does the thought of making new friends give you panic attacks? Ones that make you feel like you're tired of living?


He knew that

No one could quell the screaming inside his head,

Or diminish the numbing feeling inside of what felt to be his heart

No one could ebb the always-present hunger in his veins,

Or make the sudden pangs of loneliness in his chest disappear

No one could ever clear the sadness from his eyes completely,

Or make him feel as if he was

Special, wanted


I realize that you're shy

(I'm shy too)

But it only takes a few seconds to smile in my direction

(I've smiled at you)

It only takes a few seconds to say 'hi' or wave

(I've done both)

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