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You called me over so you could draw me

I enjoyed the sketch you gave me, but I enjoyed your presence even more

Your face would light up just a bit when you got a detail exactly right

Your hair fell into your eyes whenever you leaned forward, you'd use the same hand every time to push the strands away

Your fingers twirled the pencil in order for you to access the eraser; left for the eraser and right for the graphite

When you were deep in thought, your brows furrowed in concentration

You handed me the finished piece of art, but to me, you were the piece of art

It killed me when you said the words, "We can't see each other anymore."

You were perfect for me; why'd you have to leave?

I remember when we held hands every second that we could

We were with each other all the time

Inseparable, attached

What happened to us?

Were we too young? Was our relationship going at too fast of a pace? Did you fall out of love with me? Did the drugs ruin our relationship before you left?

After a split second of thought, I realized it was the drugs

You love them more than you ever loved me

How are you supposed to be in a stable relationship while you're off snorting pills and getting drugs late at night?

You never slept or ate, and I figured out why when I caught you snorting some kind of powder

I couldn't watch you destroy yourself; I thought I was intruding

You were always inspired to draw things and take pictures of things, but that wasn't you. It was the drugs

Since you left, I haven't slept or eaten anything. I think I'm inspired by you

You would choose getting high over being with me any day

Maybe I should try the powder you love so much

Would the powder cure all my problems? Would the powder relieve my stress and anxiety? Would the powder make me feel less insecure? Would the powder make me love the world a little bit more?

You told me to never try the powder, but since we're not together anymore, I guess it was time to give it a try

I was a goner before I even snorted the first line

You influenced me, and I don't know how to feel about that

What do I do now?

It's been a while since I've tried the powder

Every time there's an opportunity to snort it, I take it

My life is a mess, I can't fix it

I'm too far gone

I wish I could take my life back

Did you take my life, or did the powder? Indistinguishable at this point

I don't know who I am anymore

Am I the powder? Am I becoming like the people everyone tells others to avoid?

I can't win this war; I've lost myself. I'm finished

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