Humidity •Pearlet•

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A/N: by hey_hepburn FLUFF AF. Violet and Pearl have been dating secretly since S7, this is their escape. Jason is they/them<3

Stepping out of the taxi to their secluded hotel, Jason Dardo could already feel the humidity getting to their hair. Never stepping in a warm country for this exact reason, Jason began to question why they allowed Matt to convince them to go on this trip in the first place.

"Matt, my hair is going frizzy already!" They cried, pouting to their boyfriend of the past year.

"Stop being such a primadonna, I hate you." Matt turned around to the brunette.

"No you don't!" Jason replied, pulling their infamous resting bitch-face out onto Matt.

"Fine. I don't. But this is our first trip away from BOTS, and cameras and people, we should enjoy it pumpkin, just me, you, and your nipple piercing." Matt drawled his sentences like usual.

"There is a tumblr for it now, have you seen?"

"I know, I made it!" Matt looked at Jason with fifty percent lust and fifty percent Pearl-face.

"Bullshit," Jason swung their head back with laughter.

"I know, I don't have the time, too busy getting you to suck my uncut cock, I heard somewhere that you were into that, Frankie." Matt teased his boyfriend.

"Now it's me that hates you," Jason playfully tugged on his boyfriends hair, before the two of them made their way to the check-in desk, grinning like children in a playground.


Now midday, Matthew Lent lay relaxed in the sun, a book in hand, wondering how long it would take for his boyfriend to appear again, so much for having a secret rendezvous vacation, the closest he'd came to human contact was when he ordered a drink from the standby waiter.

Eventually giving in, he made his way to their room, finding Jason sat on their sofa, clad in swimming trunks, their hair bursting from their usually sleek bun.

"Are you seriously that bothered about your hair Pumpkin? Come spend time with me!" Matt whined, not caring how demanding he was sounding.

"I like to be very visually appealing."

"That's conceited," Matt laughed sitting next to his boyfriend. "And you know that I find you beautiful no matter what", making his hand up Jason's torso, stopping to pinch his nipple ring the way he knew Jason liked it.

"I'm scared Matt, there are already enough rumors after I posted those videos in Singapore, what if someone sees us, I don't want what we have ruined by the constant watching of the public eye."

Without even counting to three, Matt bent down and scooped Jason up into his arms, kissing them lightly on the forehead before continuing to bridle-carry them out of the room and towards the pool area.

"Put me down you fleshlight!" Jason cried as he looked up into Matt's eyes. Matt's eyes made Jason feel at home, reminding them of how lucky they were to meet someone so special. Too engrossed in checking out his boyfriend, Jason didn't even notice that Matt was now stood next to the side of the pool.

Splash. He threw Jason in.

"Oh my god!" Jason cried as he popped his head up, "Sometimes I don't even know why I love you, you always torture me!"

"Primadonna." Matt grinned from the pool side.

"Flazéda," Jason snapped back, never missing an opportunity to crack up at his boyfriends mistaken words.

"That's a thing now so you can't use it as an insult," Matt stuck his middle finger up at Jason.

"Babe it's actually really cold in here," Jason swam to the edge of the pool, looking up at Matt with their puppydog eyes.

"I'm sorry," Matt extended a hand to Jason with means of helping him up, only to have his boyfriend smirk and pull Matt's entire body underwater.

"Fuck you, Jason." Matt laughed as he stood up in the water, his boyfriend laughing even louder than usual.

"You wish you could," Jason muttered, raising his eyebrows and forming a devilish smile.

"Oh please. I gave you snail trail from the minute you saw me." Matt responded.

"I believe it was you who stroked my thigh almost all the way through the Glamzonian Airways lip sync," Jason laughed, remembering those first few weeks of awkward moments and flirting with Matt on the show. The way they'd pretend not to notice things like Matt's lingering hand or the way he watched Jason, telling himself that Matt was only alone and horny, before sparking a connection that now shone brighter than ever, one he'd never had from anyone else before.

"I couldn't help it, you're just so damn pretty," Matt gave Jason a joking glare.

"I think I definitely fell for you the moment you walked into the sign. Either that or when you slipped on main stage. Both hold a dear place in my cold heart." They moved closer to their boyfriend, putting their hands on his ass.

"You're even more pretty with these volumized locks" Matt laughed, "and I was sleepy then, I didn't count!"

"Sure thing, pumpkin." Jason grinned, "So, you wanna go fuck now?"

"Finally! I thought you'd never ask!" Matt grabbed Jason's hand and led them through the pool.

"Come through boyfriend!" Jason exclaimed as they walked with Matt to their room, not having a care in the world about who saw them or who heard, because in this moment all he cared about was Jason, and how he couldn't wait to run his hands through their wild, wild, hair.

"Come through Frankie!" Matt cackled back, again finally being happy to spend the week with the one person who truly understood him and loved him like no other.

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