You Really Need to Fucking Eat, Justin •Shalaska•

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AN// written by neckdeepinyourmum and YourGoodJudy . We each wrote half.
Prompt: You really need to fucking eat Justin.

Aaron was getting worried. He hasn't seen Justin actually, physically eat anything for a while. He thought that things were getting back to normal. He thought that Justin wasn't sick anymore and their relationship was healing and they were getting back to the whacky couple they were when hey first started dating, yet Justin doesn't talk much anymore, Justin doesn't sleep much anymore, and Justin doesn't eat as much anymore.

Aaron tries his best to make sure his baby is happy and healthy but sometimes it's never enough. He remembers when they didn't have a care in a world, when they were ok with being poor and all they cared about was each other, but things change. Now Justin pulls his hair out over bills and cries himself to sleep over the fact that they might not be living in their apartment the next day. Aaron just cradles him and tell him it will all be okay, but Justin doesn't believe him this time.


"Hey, welcome home baby." Aaron said as gleefully as he could as Justin came home, tear stained cheeks and a broken stare. Aaron's face dropped as he frowned at his boy friend. "Oh honey what happened?" Aaron ran over to his boyfriend and held him in his arms as he broke down even more.

"W-well I, I went in to work to... Today and for the most part it went well, but then th-the manager pulled me in and told me that.." Justin broke down once more as Aaron held him tighter.

"Shhh, it's okay baby, just breathe." Aaron comforted as Justin started to calm down.

"She fired me. She fucking fired me Aaron." Aaron didn't want Justin to see his face, but he probably knew that Aaron was flipping out.

"... Do you know why Sweetie?" Aaron asked calmly yet nervously as he ran his fingers through Justin's hair.

"Th-they found out that I'm gay and I used to be a drag queen and they said they didn't w-want me to tarnish their name." Aaron could feel the anger boiling up inside of him. He couldn't believe those people had the fucking audacity to do that.

"They don't have the fucking right... What makes them think they have the right to do that?!? God I fucking hate p-"

"Aaron. Please stop. It's fine, whatever. I'm gonna go to bed." Justin pulled himself out of Aaron's grip as he slumped over to the bedroom. Aaron frowned as he looked over at the meal he prepared at the kitchen table.

"But I made grilled cheese sandwiches babe." Justin just pretended like he didn't hear him and shut the door to their bedroom.

Aaron sighed and collapsed into the chair beside him. He stared at the two sandwiches across the table from him and suddenly wasn't in the mood to eat either. He took one of them and gave it to Cerrone, his cat, who ate it in less than five seconds.

"I wish Justin could eat like you." He laughed lightly as he watched the cat beg for more but, his giggles quickly turned into tears.

All he wanted was for Justin to be happy. What was he doing wrong?


"Justin?" Aaron said softly as he walked into the bedroom, "Baby, are you awake?" He heard complete silence besides the low hum of the washer that he just put a load in.

"No." He muttered.

Aaron layed beside him, snaking his arm around his waist and pulling Justin closer to him. Justin's whole body stiffened as he felt light pecks trailing up his neck. He softly pushed Aaron away, "Please... I'm not in the mood right now."

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