Numb •Shalaska•

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I'm apologizing in advance...Written by superawesomerainbows

(and just in case this is hard to understand, in the first half the normal print is what's happening in the present and the italics are flashbacks.)

Raindrops ran down the windows, leaving small watery trails behind.

"I'm back...I couldn't handle being away any longer...I've missed you."

"'s been so long...I've moved on. I don't feel the same."

Thunder crashed outside and my eyes flew open, just as clouded over as the sky outside.

"I've waited so long for this, please don't leave. I've missed you so much."

"Aaron, I'm sorry, but there's just not anything there anymore. When you walked out that last time, you took those feelings with you. I'm so sorry."

My phone laid on the floor beside the couch, the screen cracked into an intricate spider web. After leaving voicemail after voicemail, seeing it had just become too hard.

"Justin, please answer my calls. We've got to be able to work something's been so hard not seeing you. I dream of you almost every night, and then I have to wake up and face the reality that you're not here. That feeling is like dying."

Why does this hurt so much? I was able to walk out on him time and time again, but it never hurt me then. Why now? Why now, of all times, am I left so broken and numb?

"If you want me so bad, then please just tell me one thing."


"Why, no, how could you choose to look me in the eye, and then walk out that door?"

"You act like I had a choice."

"You ALWAYS have a choice!"

"I thought it'd be best for you."

"It's not your place to decide that."

The couch where we had once sat together, held each other, and many other things, was now littered with clothes I hadn't had the energy to put away and fast food wrappers. The coffee table that was once covered with Polaroid pictures of us together was now covered in cigarette butts and empty bottles.

"I need you. You don't understand...I'm such a mess without you."

"It's nice to finally understand something for once, isn't it?"

I'm past the point of tears. All I have left in me is blank stares, and they've become the only expression my face will hold.

"Is there any chance that you'll ever come back to me?"

"I don't know, Aaron. I honestly don't know."

I ruined everything. He hates me, and I don't blame him at all. He's everything I've ever wanted and more, and I broke him.

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