Answer The Phone Alternative Ending •Shalaska•

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Hey! Before you read this you need to read the original ending !
If you already have then go on ahead :)

Idea by @whengeemeetsfrank

Okay but imagine this setting is in Pittsburgh even though the finale was filmed in L.A

Alaska practically collapsed into her seat as she got into her car. It was nearly 12:00am. She. Was. So. Tired. So much filming and so much...drag.


Alaska looked over at her phone. Someone was calling her. She read the caller id. It wasn't anyone from her contacts but she knew exactly who's number it was.

Why doesn't she have Sharon's number saved in her phone anymore? She doesn't know. Probably an act of defiance on her part.

Alaska stared at the phone. She wanted to answer. She wanted to answer and talk to Sharon and have a normal, genuine conversation. She wanted to hear Sharon's beautiful voice so bad.

She clicked the answer button.

"Hello?" Alaska answered cooly.

"Alaska." Sharon's breath hitched.

Why was Sharon so surprised? She's the one who called her....and why'd she sound so out of breath?

"Sharon? Are you alright?" A now worried Alaska questioned.

"Y- You actually answered." Sharon's voice cracked. She was on the verge of sobbing. Alaska could tell.

"Aaron, Calm down. I'm here. It's okay. You're okay..." Alaska's closed her eyes, "We're okay." She whispered.

"I'm not okay. You're not okay. We're not okay!" Sharon spat back Alaska's words.

Hearing Sharon like this broke Alaska's heart. Why was Sharon in tears? Where is her fiancé? What is wrong with Sharon? Where was Sharon? Most importantly, why was Sharon calling her?

"What's wrong? What's happening? Where are you?" Alaska pried. She ran a hand through her ratty platinum blonde hair, accidentally ripping the entire wig off her head.

"There's nothing you can do. I just wanted to say goodbye."

"What? Aaron where are you!" Alaska cried, her whole body trembling.

"I love you Alaska."

Alaska froze. She was speechless.

"Wh- what?" Alaska stuttered.

No answer.

"Hello?! Aaron?" Alaska's knuckles turned white as her grip got tighter around the phone. She glanced at her phone to see if Sharon was still on the line.

She wasn't. The call ended.

"No..." Alaska threw the phone onto the passenger seat, "No! No! NO!"

She banged her fists against the wheel. Pain surged up her hand but she ignored it. Helpless. She felt helpless.

What was she supposed to do? Where was she supposed to go?

Where could Sharon possibly be? The only place she could be is- wait.

Alaska might have an idea.

Alaska waited at the crosswalk barefooted, kitten heels in her hand. She spotted a figure across the street holding onto the rail of the scenic overlook, Mount Washington. Alaska knew it. She knew Sharon would be here.

"Sharon!" She called, waving her hand frantically. Why can't the cars stop for her to pass already?

Sharon didn't respond, not even turning around to acknowledge her. Maybe she didn't hear Alaska.

Alaska squinted her eyes. It was dark. She noticed Sharon leaning against the rail. What was she doing?

A car finally stopped for her and she ran across the street. She saw Sharon leaning farther and farther against the rail, already on her tippy toes.

"No!" Alaska cried out wrapping her arms around Sharon's waist and pulling her back. They both fell to the floor. Sharon stared at Alaska wide eyed.

"Sharon what were you thinking?" Alaska sputtered out, holding her composure.

Sharon didn't say anything, only burst into tears. Alaska instinctively wrapped her arms around Sharon and rubbed her back. She leaned into Alaska's touch and a feeling of security washed over Sharon's body. Oh how she missed that feeling.

"Tell me everything," Alaska whispered, "I'm here, I'll listen."

Sharon slowed her breathing, "Thank you," She smiled to herself.



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