I didn't mean it! •Witney•

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A/N: by TheMisguidedGhostXXX! Shane has a fight with Willam because he can't trust him. Slightly depressing but oh well.

Shane's POV
I was alone. It was 05:10am and Willam still wasn't home. I was stood by the window staring out at the street anxiously. He said he wouldn't be out for long. He said that before he left at 10:30. I decided to check my phone. Still no messages. I sighed and started biting my short fingernails. Then, the eerie silence was broken by the front door clicking. Finally! Willam stumbled into the living room grinning, "Hey, Shane! I missed you!"

He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away, "Willam where were you?!"

"It doesn't matter, baby! Let's just-"

"No, Willam! Where were you? Why didn't you text me? You said you wouldn't be long!"

I couldn't help but stare at the small white stain on his cheek. I put my hand on his face and ran my thumb over it, "What's this?"


"The stain on your cheek."


"You didn't answer my question."

"It's just food." His left eye twitched slightly.

I pushed him, "I swear to god Willam! Sometimes I wish we never dated!"

He looked hurt but quickly put on a brave face and scowled, "No you don't."

"Yes I do! I can't trust you!"

Then, he did something I never expected from him. He slapped me. I yelped and put my hand against my face. Before I seemed vulnerable, I grabbed his arms and shoved him against the wall, "Y'know what? I expected better from you, Willam. I expected something vaguely like an apology but apparently all I get is violence. Well two can play that game."

I spat at him before pushing him out of the door, "I don't want to see you back at this house ever again."

I slammed the door and started crying. My usual, vulnerable self immediately broke through once he was gone. When I looked out of the window, I saw him running down the street and towards the main road. He didn't seem to be slowing down. He was getting closer to the endless line of moving traffic. I gasped and bolted out if the door. I soon caught up and grabbed the back of his shirt. He coughed as it pulled against his throat, "Get off me, Shane."


He was pulling against me but my working out had definitely paid off. I spun him round to face me, "Why were you going to...going...to..."

I couldn't get the words out. He sighed, "Just let go of me, Shane."

"You've got nowhere to go."

"Well why did you kick me out of my own house then?!"

I was breathing heavily, "I didn't mean it! Please. Just don't..."

I noticed that a glossy sheen was growing over his eyes. Tears. He was staring at the ground. I noticed a tear drop from his eyes and hit the concrete below us. I took both of his hands, "We can fix this. Please just tell me where you were."

"Shane, I'm telling you the truth. I was just out having a meal with Rhea. I'm drunk so when I got back I just wanted to go to bed. Please, can we just go."

He was crying. That it course set me off too. I nodded. I was so mad at myself. Why didn't I just trust him? I took his hand and we walked back home.

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