Chapter 16: Lost

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The sun just started rising, dawn was coming. Ev had packed a bag full of supplies. Jakob had put Adam and Gen back in their rooms. Bob offered to go with Ev but Ev refused the offer. Ted and Jim were on sicko duty. Ev decided he was gonna go on foot. Bob watched as he walked out the door. They had found a shot gun shell on the floor. The attacker must have used a shot gun to blow out the glass. Ev picked up the shell and put it in his pocket. He knew he probably wouldn't find them but he wasn't going to give up that easily. He started to head towards the neighborhood. Jakob and the others waved him good bye and good luck. He went up the road that went up a hill. He walked down the road on the other side and continued on. Halfway to the houses he found something. It was a camera on a tripod pointing towards the Y.
"What the..."? Said Ev
He checked for pictures but didn't find any. He knocked the camera over then continued on his way. He got to the top of the hill and looked into the neighborhood.
Jakob and Bob started packing up a travel bag. Ted and Jim were to stay and watch over Adam and Gen. Bob made sure he had his knife with him.
"We'll be back in a bit" said Bob
Jakob and Bob got into the car and started driving towards the store area. It took them only five minutes to get there.
"Which one should we check first"? Asked Jakob
Bob shrugged
Jakob got out of the car and started walking towards a staples. Bob followed him into the store. Inside they found some water and a whole bunch of office supplies. Hardly any of it would be of interest. Bob grabbed a couple of things and that was it. They then left the staples and went into the store nearby, petco. Jakob walked around a bit, killed a sicko here and there. He found something and had an idea. A shock collar for Adam. He giggled to himself then told Bob the idea.
"What why"? Asked Bob
"It'd be so funny" said Jakob
Bob shook his head

Jim and Ted walked around the Y.
"Sure is quiet " said Ted
Jim nodded
They continued their journey through the halls. Eventually they found themselves on the other side of the Y. Ted looked out the window at the lifeless town. Ted felt a tear run down his cheek.
"Was that a tear I saw"? Asked Jim
Ted nodded
"I miss Eddy " he said
"Yeah..." said Jim
Ted saw Jakob and Bob's car pull up at the front. The two ran out to the front to help them. Jakob got out and handed him some bags. Bob got out and stretched. Bob watched Ted and and Jim grab some stuff. Then Bob saw it, a sicko. Before he could yell out about it took a bite out of Ted's arm. Ted screamed and pushed it away. Jakob smashed his axe into its head. Ted looked at his arm. His left arm now had a big bite mark in it. Jakob looked around at everyone. They all stood there shocked. Jakob brought his axe high into the air and swung down with it.
Ev walked out of the house he was in. He had gone through four houses now. He walked down the street for a little while. He came to a stop when he heard something in a house to his left. He looked over at it. It looked pretty trashed. He started to walk towards it. The front door was locked. With some knife pick locking Ev was able to open the door. He looked inside and saw an old broken house. He went inside and looked around at the furniture. All of it was really old. He was startled by something upstairs making a noise. He started to head up the stairs. He looked for any visible traps. He saw none. Ev continued up the stairs to the top. He saw a door at the other side. He walked over to it and tried to open it. It was locked. He ran as hard as he could into it. The door buckled and went down. He got up and looked in the room. He immediately froze at what he saw. In the middle of the room, Maddie lay there with her throat cut. She was dead, lost.

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