Chapter 14: Return

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Ev walked along the sidewalk outside of the Y. Maddie sat on a bench by the front doors. Ev had been pacing for about half and hour now. Eddy and Jim were on the roof on lookout.
"You should sit down and take a break" said Maddie
"Why"? Asked Ev
"You've been pacing for quite a while" said Maddie
"Pfft" replied Ev
"Your gun wound will be stressed " continued Maddie
As she said this Ev felt a pain in his chest.
"Fine" said Ev
Ev walked over to the bench and sat down. Maddie rested her head on Ev's shoulder.
"Sorry I haven't been around much" said Ev
"It's okay..." replied Maddie
"Ehh..." said Ev
There was a long silence between the two.
"I'm glad you're here " said Ev
"Really "? Asked Maddie
"Yeah..." said Ev
Maddie then smiled. There was another long silence.
"Heh great they're getting all lovey-dovey " said Eddy from the roof. Jim and Eddy had been watching the past exchanges.
Adam looked down the road. Clear. He hit the gas and zoomed down the road. He had made his descion and he needed to hurry before it was too late. Gen sat in the passenger seat, watching Adam gun it down the road.
Ev had gotten back up and walked around again. He pulled out his revolver and inspected it. He promised himself never to use it until absolutely necessary. All twenty bullets were accounted for. He suddenly felt a weird chill, like he was being watched. He didn't see anyone outside of the Y's walls.
Eddy and Jim continued talking for quite a while.
"I don't want to die" said Eddy
"Who does" said Jim
"It kinda scares me" continued Eddy
"Yeah" said Jim
"Hey" yelled Ev
"Yes"? Replied Jim
"See anything "? Asked Ev
"Nope" said Jim
Ev nodded slightly then sat down.
"Are you worried about them "? Asked Maddie
"Yeah, it's been a while " said Ev
Maddie nodded in agreement. Ev sat quietly for a little bit. Ev stared off into space while Maddie fiddled with his fingers. He suddenly saw a flash of red. Next thing he knew he was looking at will's dead body. He staggered back. He saw blood going down his chest. It was coming from a gunshot wound. He looked up saw will standing there, gun raised. He heard gunshots and pain in his chest. He collapsed to the floor. Ev violently shook his head and shot up off the bench.
"No"! Ev cried
Maddie looked at him in shock.
"What..."? She whimpered
Ev stood away, appalled. He had seen the reality of that horrible situation. He knew now how it would have ended if he had hesitated. Maddie looked him with a concerned look in her eye. She saw a darkness sweep over Ev. She could see it in his eyes. Before she could say anything there was the roar of a speeding car. Ev spun around and saw the car that the three others had taken come into the Y parking lot. Bob got out and was followed by the other two.
"Air Force Base is not safe" Said Bob
"What did you find"? Asked Ev
"The guards almost killed us and now it's overrun " said Jakob
"Oh" said Ev
Before the conversation could continue another sound of a car was heard. Ted turned and looked over his shoulder. He saw a very familiar car sitting outside of the half built wall. It was Adam's car. Adam sighed then got out of the car, hands raised.
"What the hell are you doing "? Asked Jakob
"I came back to apologize " said Adam
"Who says we want your apology " said Jakob
"You've been gone for like days " said Ev
"I know " said Adam
Gen slowly then got out of the car. She was about say something but stopped. She turned and saw a whole group of sickos coming for them.
"Please let us back in" said Adam
"Why should I "? Asked Jakob
"Please " begged Adam
Gen started walking back towards the Y.
"We'll do anything " said Adam
The group was almost on top of them. Ev looked around at the others.
"Fine" said Ev
Adam smiled and ran for the gate, followed by Gen.
"There will conditions though " said Ev
"Anything " said Adam
Ev ran over to the gate and let the two in. Eddy and Jim had come down and went over to help Ev. The rest of the group went inside. Ev unsheathed his knives and started hacking away at the group. Eddy and Jim soon joined him. Ev had made it to about the middle of the group. Jim was on the far right with Eddy to the left. Eddy was doing fine, smashing sicko after sicko. He didn't see the tall sicko behind him and he would only see him briefly. The tall sicko bent over and took a bite into Eddy's shoulder. Eddy screamed in pain. He was in so much pain he couldn't fend off the other sickos. They swarmed him and took him down. They all started to tear him apart. Ev looked over and froze. Jim yelled a heartbreaking no. Ev walked over and started to hack and stab the sickos. After they were all dead he looked at poor Eddy's corpse. He frowned. Jim ran over and started crying.
"No"! Yelled Jim
Ev got down on one knee and stabbed Eddy in the head.
"Goodbye..." said Ev

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