Chapter 7: When the Dead Come Knocking

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Ev was stunned at the fact that the three of them had been living in that room for three days. He told them about his groups current living conditions. The teachers name was mrs.Boom.
"Let's go" said Ev
The four of them climbed over the wreckage and out into the hallway. Two sickos came stumbling after them. Ev lunged forward and stabbed one in the head. The other was knocked down by mrs.Boom with a text book. Ev then finished it. The four went to go down the stairs but when they looked over the balcony and into the cafeteria they saw a horde of sickos. Ev had never seen so many of them in one place. It looked even bigger than the one on the highway. Then he saw it. One of the sickos looked just like one of the ones he saw on the highway. This must be the same horde. Ev didn't know how it seemed to have gotten larger. All of them walked around, growling and moaning. The sight sent chills down the four human's spines.
"Great" said Ev quietly
Morgan couldn't take it anymore, she vomited on the floor from the horrifying sight. Every sicko looked up and saw them. Shortly after they started going up the staircase to the humans.
"Run"! Yelled Ev
Everyone took off running down the hallway. They were followed by sickos. Ev ran down to an exit.
"Hurry"! He yelled
He opened and the the others ran out
"Come on Ev"! Yelled Maddie
"No I gotta drive these guys away"! He replied "go to the Y"
He then shut the exit door and continued running. The sickos followed Ev. He coughed violently, his injury was aflame with pain. He knew he couldn't stop and continued running. He eventually had ran to the other side of the school. He busted open the exit door there and ran out. He saw a bunch of buses parked off to the side of the road. The sickos had started to catch up. He ran into one of the buses and found the keys. He turned on the bus and started honking the horn. As soon as he was swarmed by sickos he zoomed off down the road. The sickos followed the honking school bus. He drove pretty far then laid a brick on the gas pedal. Then he jumped from the moving bus onto the road. He hit the ground hard with a thud. He quickly got up and ran into the bushes and watched the sickos followed the zooming bus. Ev sighed in relief and started heading for the Y.
"Who's there"? Growled Jakob
"Me, Maddie and mrs.Boom " said Morgan
"How did you find us"?
"Ev told us to come here"?
"Where is he? We haven't seen him all day" said Jakob
"He's driving away a horde from the high school " said Maddie
"There was a horde in there "? Asked Jakob
Morgan nodded
"And to think we didn't even know" said Jakob with a sad tone
"We'll need to improve lookout then" said Bob
Jakob caught something out of the corner of his eye. When he turned towards it he saw it was Ev stumbling towards him.
"I drove them...away...literally..." said Ev gasping for breath.
He went inside and laid down. Morgan, maddie and mrs.Boom got a place set up for them in the safety room. Later that night they all ate and then they all went to bed. Ev was out cold as was the three newcomers while Jakob, Bob and Adam slept okay. It was about three hours later when Jakob heard something out in the hall. He got up and grab his fire axe. He didn't see anything when he peeked out the window but then opened the door. He walked into the hall and turned on his flashlight. He screamed. The hall to the left and to the right was full of sickos. His scream woke everyone.
Ev grabbed his knives and herded Gen, Maddie, Morgan and mrs.Boom into the corner. Adam grabbed his glock and opened fire as they came in through the double door. Jakob hacked ones head off with his axe. Bob grabbed a weight and smashed it against ones head. Ev shoved his knife into the head of one that had gotten past the others. Adam realized that the gunfire was bringing more and more of them down the halls. He dropped it and grabbed Jakob's old baseball bat and started swinging with that. Ev killed two more as did Bob. Ev looked and noticed one sicko looked just like the one in the high school and on the highway.
"They tracked me back here..." he said
Jakob had gone into a fury and had killed 17 of them by this point. Ev charged into the crowd and slashed and stabbed. Bob went to guard the others. Jakob suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled back. The bodies were piling up and soon the sickos would have to crawl to get into the room. Jakob's vision got blurry then he passed out. Ev grabbed him and dragged him away. Bob and Adam forced the doors closed, stopping the sickos. Ev tended to Jakob. It seemed he had pasted out to over exhaustion.

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