Chapter 4: Vengeance

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Ev awoke to Bob shaking him softly. Ev sat up and rubbed his eyes then yawned. He looked around the area and saw Jakob making some breakfast. Adam walked by and was about reach up and pat him on the back when Ev stopped him.
"Don't...who knows where those hands have been since last night" said Ev
Ev dropped down and stretched.
"Any sickos "? He asked
"No" said Bob
He took some of the food and ate up while walking around. He saw Gen try to sit down but couldn't. He shook his head. He looked out the window and saw that it was about noon based on the lighting.
"Let's check out the other neighborhood today " said Ev
Jakob nodded
Everyone got all cleaned up then got into the truck with Ev on the ATV. They drove out of the parking lot and onto the road. They drove for a bit until they reached the high way. It was blocked with tons of cars everywhere.
"Great" said Jakob
Ev stopped the ATV and got off.
"I'll scout out ahead" said Ev
Jakob got out and looked around at the cars. Bob also had gotten out of the car. Adam stood by Gen's door. Ev walked along the high way and down into the ditches on the sides. He stayed within sight of the others. He saw one car with some chips in the back. He grabbed them then climbed on top of the car and started to eat them.
The chips were some sun chips, they were pretty good. They took his attention, so much he barely noticed the sicko about to grab him. He fell backwards onto the ground with a thud. He shoot up and then pulled out his kitchen knives. It lurched towards him, growling as blood dripped down its mouth. Ev stabbed the sicko right in the head and watched it fall to the ground. He smiled in triumph then turned around and froze. He saw a humongous horde of sickos coming down the road. Ev immediately turned and ran for the others.
"What is it"? asked Jakob
"Huge horde coming this way " said Ev
"Everyone hide" said Bob
Ev rolled underneath a car, Adam and Gen sat inside the truck, Jakob got in the back of the pickup truck and Bob went under a car like Ev. The horde came down through the cars and eventually came to where they were hiding. The sickos stumbled around and eventually passed by them. The group came out of hiding.
"We'll go through the ditch " said Jakob quietly
Everyone nodded
Ev got on the ATV and drove down the way. The others followed in the truck. After ten minutes they arrived at the new neighborhood.
"Hey Jakob can I go check something out "? Asked Ev
Jakob nodded
"Meet back here"
Ev then sped up the road into the neighborhood. Jakob and the others got out.
"Let's go see if that girl I asked out is still alive " said Jakob and headed in the direction of her house. Ev stopped in front of the house of maddie. She was one of his great friends in school. He got off and went to the door, he tried to open it but it was locked. He then looked for any sickos and when he saw none he smashed himself into the door. After a while it broke open. Her house was almost completely empty. He went upstairs to look for her but couldn't find her. When he tried to open the bathroom door it was locked, he heard noises inside. He then smashed down that door as well. Inside was what looked to be what was left of her parents, they had turned. On the mirror, written in blood was
'Leave them be'
Ev walked over put the two parents to justice by ended the sickness through death. He then left the room and tried to think of where she might be. Then it clicked. He went back outside and got on the ATV. He drove up the road and around the neighborhood until he reached will's house. It was all barricaded up and the windows had been boarded up. He went over to the garage door and opened it, remembering the pass code from when they were friends. He slipped inside and saw that one of the cars was missing. He started going through supplies when he heard the door that went into the house open.
"Hey dad what'd ya get me..." said a familiar voice
Ev turned and saw will with a pale face standing in the doorway. Jakob and the others had walked for a little bit.
"Almost there" said Jakob
All four of them froze as they heard two gunshots from another part of the neighborhood.
"Ev..." said Bob
Ev ducked and will's bullets hit the wall behind him. Ev charged for the door, but will shut it. He growled in anger and smashed down the door, hitting will. Will was knocked to the floor, but shot up and ran upstairs, Ev in hot pursuit. Will got to his parents bedroom and turned then fired at Ev. The first shot missed as did the second one. Ev then tackled will and stabbed the knives into will's legs. Will yelled in pain then aimed the gun upward and fired. Ev lost his breath and felt a huge pain in his chest. With his remaining strength he pulled out the knives and stabbed will in the chest with them. Ev watched the end through will's dying eyes. He got off of will and looked at his chest, it was covered in blood. His breathing was coming in short bursts. Will had shot him between the lungs. He fell backwards and saw Bob and Adam come running up the stairs, medical supplies in hand.

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