The Scrap Yard

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When Alex said we were dropping into a hot AO, he certainly wasn't joking, literally or figuratively. Not only was it about 120 degrees when we were over the drop zone, but the area was crawling with Reborns, X-01, X-04 and Spetsnaz, all of whom were duking it out with everything from foot soldiers to heavy armor. Bullets were pinging off the hull of our Chinook from 100 feet in the air, only growing closer and closer together the closer we got to the ground.

"Were' here for Raf and his team only!", Alex said, as the hatch came down, "Task Force Shadow, you have your objectives, for the rest of you, Time to work Tier X!"

Before the helo had even touched down, Alex and his buddy Nitro were out, dropping Russians and Reborn's as quickly as they could. Once we were all out of the Helo, the pilot took off, headed back the way he'd come. The area was way to hot for Evac to stay on station and wait for us, which was where my team came in. Our job was to get to where Alex's brother Rafael had been hiding, grab his laptop, which apparently had Black River's base location on it, then move to the landing strip at the far side of the junkyard and secure it. The problem was, between us and the strip were hundreds of enemy fighters, dogs, Juggernauts, X-01 and 04 units and lots and lots of flying bullets.

"Stay close", I shouted as I turned on the Nano Gun, "use the plane parts for cover."

"Rodger that!", My teammates replied.

"Mako", I said, "I need you to get the signal from that laptop and put it up on my HUD."

"WiFi, Bluetooth or TXV?", Mako asked.

"TXV", I said, "720 hertz."

"Okay hold on", Mako said as we looped around behind some plane fuselages to get out of the gun fire. We took up a circle formation as Austin tapped me on the shoulder.

"Josh", he said, "let's climb up high and get an over view."

"Good idea", I said slinging the Nano gun over my back. Austin and I scaled the old plane body rather easily and stayed on our stomachs once we were up top in hopes of drawing less attention. From where I was, I could see several tanks doing battle with two Abrams M2's bearing Black River markings as well as one T-72 getting ripped apart by X-01, who were swatting the competing X-04 out of the way as they pulled out the crew and ate them like small sausages. The T-72's could still swat aside the X-01 with a single shot from the main gun, which a few of them on a ridge near the edge of the scrapyard were doing, and doing quite well.

"Go ahead and try that shit on me", Austin growled, "I'll put these blades down your throats."

"I'd like to see how you'd....", I was cut in the middle in my sentence as Mako came back over the radio.

"Ace! A Black River gunship is headed in from the south! Find cover!"

"That's our cue", I said as we slid off the plane body, "Alex", I said getting on the coms, "Black River gunship is headed in from the south!"

"I heard", Alex said, "we don't have the equipment to deal with a gunship, try to stay off it's radar."

"Got ya", I said.

I turned to my team, "If you catch sight of that fucker, let me know and I'll turn the Nano gun on it, Mako, I need the location of that laptop! Like, right now brother!"

"Almost got it", Mako said as a blue icon with a "50m" popped up on my HUD.

"There you go", he said, "by the way, Morningstar wants to talk to you."

"Put him on", I said.

"Got it", Mako said as a video feed from Morningstar's office popped up.

"What do you need General?", I asked as I ordered my Dad to pop smoke so we could safely cross a clearing.

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