Project X-04

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It only took me about 20 minutes to reach the area where the train was passing through I had a clear view of the railroad tracks across the way, but soon it disappeared down a small hill and into a tunnel. I followed along the tracks until I found a nice spot in a parking lot of what appeared to be a small theme park that was built out of a Ghost town. The park wasn't very big, at least compared to Six Flags in Texas, but it was still decent sized and had lots of small, portable rides that were set up in specialty prepared areas, food booths and even a small gun range. The rail way tracks passed right through the middle of the park, open from the way the park's trains were coming, but from the direction of the BR train, there was a tunnel. Another ingredient to this possibly explosive mixture where two steam engines, HVAC Steam works Asteroids, one from the year 1897 and 2017, were on display and giving rides around the park, something that made me extremely uncomfortable. There was no way Black River's engine would have time to stop at the 100+ miles an hour that modern Turbine Hybrid engines are capable of, if the conductor decided to stop at all. If that train blew through here and crashed, there were no telling how many X-01 units might get lose before the Reborn's could get them under control.

"Morningstar", I said using the Video chat capabilities of the Civic's new ECU, "I found a place to watch the Black River train, the problem is, the path it's on goes straight through a small amusement park and they have two steam engines that have already spoken for the track. I'm concerned that the Black River conductor might not have time to stop his train if he realizes what's going on, especially if it's a turbine hybrid engine. What's more is all I've got is my AR-15, not enough to deal with any Reborns or X-01 units who get lose during a possible crash/"

"Hmm", Morningstar said, "I'd tell you to stand down, but if your old man is to be believed, you've probably already got a plan?"

"Maybe not a plan", I said, "but an idea. Maybe I can convince the people who run the park to stop the train rides just long enough for the BR train to blow through here. If I can't stop it though...were going to have problems so tell my team to get equipped and ready to leave at a moment's notice."

"Rodger that", Morningstar said.

"How far out is the train?", I asked.

"Hawk says you got about 16 minutes before it gets there. It's moving at a decent clip and is armed to the teeth, so get the civilian trains out of the way. Good luck Ace, out."

I killed the video feed and turned to Nina, who was just finishing a hot dog.

"What?", she asked.

"Where'd that come from?", I asked.

"I bought it", Nina said, "with money.

"Did they have anything else?", I asked pushing the Civic's door open, causing the open door alarm to ding incessantly, "that BBQ smelled really good when we rolled in."

"They had fried chicken, grilled cheese and burgers", Nina said sipping a coke, "not to mention Coke."

"I might get something quick then", I said, "haven't eaten since Russia."

"It was cheap so I would", Nina said as we exited the Civic. The sun was beating relentlessly on the California desert, but that didn't for a second deter the activities at the park. There was a long line at every possible ride and for tours at the old houses that made up the Ghost Town the park was built in. The old General store was still in use and packed tightly. It was free rides with entrance, so that unfortunately met I was digging out my wallet at the ticket booth.

"I should make you pay", I said looking at Nina as we walked up to the booth, "two adult tickets please."

"Make me pay?", Nina asked, "why for? That brakes date rules."

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