I'M OUT OF HERE. (Revised)

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HEY YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm sticking to my new years and actually going to fix my books starting with this one. I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH for the love the comments the votes. I dedicate this chapter to my best friend Lily.  If you like this book you'll love hers. Go check it out! 

I have the honor to be your obedient  Servant 


"Penelope?" My mom came into my room. I looked away to hide the evidence of how my day was today. "I'm fine" I said softly. She sat softly next to me and took my face in her soft hands," Let me see" and saw the black and blue story on my face, a bruised eye, busted lip and a cut on my forehead. The expression on my mother's face was heartbreaking. I couldn't look at her knowing I bring shame upon my family.

"Oh my sweet girl" She brought me to her chest and brushed my hair, tears fell as I felt the warmth. The root of my tears? Simple. My family looks like they step out of a Macy's commercial, all thin and pretty. Except me. I felt little hands on my leg, "Pen Pen Yew fell fown?" My little angelic sister asked. I picked her up and hugged her tight, "Pen Pen fell down"

My mother went downstairs to speak to my step father, "She needs to get out of there" Her voice carried up the stairway, "That's the third time this week! And who knows before that" The words stung against my skin. It's been three years' mom. Stephanie fretted and hugged me tighter. She hates it when my parents fight. I do too. After five minutes of them murmuring I hear a sigh and my step father, "Penelope, can you please come down here" I set Steph down and took a breath and went down stairs to see my mother watching my every move and my stepfather's glasses on the table. I took a seat opposite of him. I stared at the floor the shame rising in me.

"I'm sorry, I'll try harder." I whispered in the silence. He went around the kitchen island and fell to his knees, "No. Your mother and I are taking you out of that place" I looked at him in disbelief. "R-really" He nodded. "And if you want you can go live with your Aunt Tiny for a bit" A smile overpowered my face, "Thank you" I hugged him. He laughed and my mother smiled, "Okay go get your stuff ready and packed, You'll be leaving in two weeks' time."

I softly cringed and stopped up the stairs, Two weeks... I'll be leaving here in two weeks. If I make it that long.

Monday was a blur of faces and noises. I was almost free, "Move out the way Piggy" The devil in bleach blonde sneered behind me. My entire back stiffed as I stared deep into my locker. I heard her heels clack behind me and walked away. I let out a breath and looked at her back. "Today is the day"

At lunch I stared at the wall daydreaming my new life that's coming and what it may hold till I heard a voice. "Pen!" A hushed whisper brought me to my reality. I looked to see a bush of red hair leave the back entrance. I smiled and followed him. I met up with Kaleb under the bleachers. I smiled as I waved to my best friend. Poor Kaleb, The quarterback and captain of the football team. Our friendship is incognito for his sake. I didn't mind.

"Hey!" I hugged him.

"So you're really leaving" His eyebrows furrowing forward and head lower to his chest. My poor Kaleb.

I nodded, "I'm leaving" Kaleb embraced me and told me to call him anytime I needed him and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I'm going to miss him.

"ALL ABOARD" The conductor bellowed from the train. "Okay kiddo this is you" My father said sadly. I hugged them all goodbye and kissed Stephanie on her cheek. She fell asleep due to it being 6am. I started for my ride and looked back to wave them goodbye.

The train was rocking back and forth, I kept looking at the window. Someone sat in front of me, He had on a black jacket his hair shaggy it fell over his silver grey eyes. He smirked when he found me sharing and him. I blushed and stared at the floor. 'Idiot, now he's gonna make fun of you' I wasn't that fat, I had a belly, and thick thighs. But I guess fat is fat. I shifted in my seat trying to seem occupied but his eyes bore into my façade. "Nice day isn't it" His voice as smooth as his looks. I shrugged an answer.

He moved and sat by me, "Bellamy's the names What's yours beautiful" He said with his hand out.

I almost laughed, yep he's on something. "Penelope" I said shaking his hand firmly.

"Nice grip there Penelope" He smiled. I smiled shyly. Curse my blushing cheeks. I heard a soft chuckle, "So. What brings you to the big city?" I stared at the sky, "Nothing just moving"

His dark eyebrows lifted," So I see"

The ride was as comfortable as watching a porn video with your parents. He told me that he's lived in the city his whole life and never once seen a beautiful woman like me. I snorted.

"You don't think so?" He smirked. I looked in his eyes and blushed.

"Hm I guess not. This is my stop, see you around beautiful" He took my hand and kissed it. I watched him exit the train and blew out a breath. What a weirdo.

"My little cantaloupe" Aunt Tiny welcomed me into her arms. "Hey Aunt Tiny, How are you"

After being bombarded by questions, and being pitted about it was finally time for bet.
I sighed as I reached to turn out the light

Let's see how this goes.

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