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At dinner you wouldn't believe how awkward the silence was between us. I love her and all but I just missed home. "Pen" Aunt Tiny looked at me,"I love you. And if you're not happy here. It's no problem getting you home. I just want you safe and happy." I smiled and looked down,  "No. Auntie. I'll be okay here. I just hope I won't be a burden " She grabbed my hand and said, "You are not a burden. You are a pleasure" We smiled at each other and pondered what good topics to talk about.
A smile formed on her lips as her eyebrows perked up. "What's that look for?" I asked worried.  She shook her bright red hair, "Nothing nothing it's just... when I'm sad. There is one only thing in the world that brings me joy."
"Oh? What's that?" I asked intrigued.
She giggled and wrote something on her phone and got up, "Be ready in 20. I have a surprise for you"
My head tilted in confusion and watched the proud woman walk away.  With a mouthful of pasta I stormed up the stairs and put on jeans and a hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror. I flicked my nails against my fingers, a nervous tick I picked up while trying to survive my old school.
My old school.  I don't go there anymore. I'm free. New school new me. I guess. 
"Pen! Let's go the car's here!" Aunt tiny hollered and she does NOT like to be kept waiting.
"Where are we going?!" I huffed out running down the stairs.
"You'll see and let's go being late is never fashionable" She giggled rushing me out the door.  The nightlife in the city is beautiful.  Bright lights loud noises, I understand why this is the city that never sleeps. You would miss all this. After what seems a lifetime of bright lights and billboards. We stopped at Jacobs salon. I looked at Aunt Tiny, "Woah"was all I was able to say. She laughed, "Now i can't let my niece start a new school without a new look right"
We walked in and how the people stared. Some with awe and others with envy.  She walked like No one's in the room and threw her weight around.  A quirky young man came up to her "Honey thank you. You graced us with your presence. I knew Ms Taylor would listen to my prayers." He was perfect. His anti gravity hair flounced and flared . His clothes hugged his frame and showed his chest. His eyes were a dark pool of amusement and they fell on me. "Mother. I didn't know you had a sister"His birdlike voice chirped. Aunt Tiny laughed and hugged me close, "I know such good genes she has to be related. But she's my niece. Penelope meet my trusted stylist Zed.
"Enchante mademoiselle "He bowed.  I smiled" nice to meet you"
He looked at my aunt and spoke French.  She nodded and I was rushed to the leather chair.
After what seems a lightyear of pain and tugging Zed covered my eyes. "Are you ready Cherie.  You look like a Grecian goddess." I took a deep breath, "3. 2. 1"
"Holy shit"
I didn't recognize myself. The girl in the mirror was not me but it was me. She stood tall and proud. Her dyed hair sat light on her.  Her eyes look fresh and bright. Aunt Tiny stepped behind me. "The best thing about my job Pen. Is unleashing the already beautiful woman into her realm.  And we found yours" Tears welled in my eyes and I hugged both Zed and Aunt Tiny.  And for the first time felt the seed of confidence grow.
I woke up confused to where I was. Then I remembered I moved to New York with my Aunt Tiny. "Cantaloupe, Get a move on. You don't want to be late on your first day." My aunt called after me. I took a deep breath and started to get ready for the day. My maroon hair in curls, My light blue skinny jeans and flora top and with a shakey breath. I left my room. "You look great, Cantaloupe" My aunt complimented. I softly said thanks and drank some of my tea. "Here, I want you to have this. It'll bring you good luck" She said as she gave me a necklace with a blue stone. I hugged her and went into my car. I drove to the school and when I got there, I was second guessing everything I had on that day. The whole school looked like it was from the movie clueless. Everyone was wearing beautiful designer clothes and looked like they walked out of a magazine shoot. I took hold of my necklace and walked out. 'Water off a ducks back' I kept repeating that to myself walking towards the building. "Hey, I like your outfit" A girl complimented me. I nodded and smiled thanks. 'Wow Aunt Tiny. Your magic works thanks'
I walked to the office and gotten my schedule. "And he was like, soo mad but whatever you kno-" I bumped into a girl not paying attention. "Oh jeez I'm so sorry, lemme help -" "GROSS don't touch me,wide load" I got mad, "Well I dunno, maybe like if you weren't hogging the entire hallway, people like won't like bump into you" I said in my best preppy voice and walked away with eyes on me.
Great. Fun. Amazing.

I got to my class without anymore excitement.  People stared at me, wondering if I'm a new leader or a new target.
"Penelope, right." A boy came up to me with a smile. He was tall with glasses covering his blue eyes. His smile was crooked. Complete the boy next door look. "Uh Yeah, How did you know?" I said softly. "I'm Nick, I'm supposed to show you around." He said smiling. "Thanks, I'd appreciate that" I said smiling. He left saying he'll meet me third period, wherever that Is.

The day went by smoothly. As crunchy peanut butter. I sighed as I got to lunch, I sat by myself and started to eat my sandwich. "Penelope, that you?" The deep voice called behind me, I choked . It couldn't be. I turned around and stared, There he was with a grin wider than anything.
He sat next to me laughing, then more people sat where I was. "Hey" He whispered in my ear, "You have mustard on your chin. " My hands went to my mouth.
"And Who's this Bell?" The blonde said winking at me. My face grew hotter. Then a red head sat on the opposite side of me with a blue hair girl with a nosering. The a black hair guy sat down quietly looking at the table.
I looked at the silver eyed stranger from the train. This has to be a dream.
"Bellamy?" I softly said. "Awe she remembers you" The red head said. "OF COURSE" He said laughing, "I'm memorable"
"This is Penelope" He introduced me.' He remembers me?' I realized I haven't said a word and just kept staring, "N-Nice to meet all of you"
"Awe how adorable, Hey penny You're cute" The blonde smirked. The blue hair girl smacked him, "Quit scaring her" She said harshly. "Hey, I'm Zeira, That's Logan. I ignore him most of the time, he's an idiot. This is my boyfriend Andy, cute isn't he." She smiled at the red head. "That's Clarke, " The quiet boy grunted, "And you know Bellamy"
Bellamy puts his arms around my shoulder, "Yep, Personally" He smirked.
I shrugged of his arm, and smirked, "In your dreams Amy" The blonde laughed, "Hey she has spirit, I'm beginning to like you penny" "Penelope,Not Penny" I correct the blonde.

I looked around the school with Nick, He's a sweet guy. "So, what brought you here?" I looked around, "I just moved."
He nodded and began to show me where the Library was.

"Cantaloupe! Where are you" Aunt Tiny announced when she got home, "In my room " I called doing my homework. "There you are, Now tell me how was it" She asked excited, and worried.
"Good, I like it there. Its nice" I said smiling.
She clapped her hands together, "That's great, Now finish your homework and I'll start dinner." She said while leaving my room.
I really think I'm gonna like it here. 

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