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Honk Honk!
The cars horn rang throughout the house. I fell on the floor with a thud. I got up in in a hurry, It couldn't be 8 already? My phone rang like crazy. I answered with this animal like grunt.
"Its 7:45" His voice said annoyed. A shock of fear ran through me. "SHIT" I yelled. I dropped the phone and ran to the shower. I got out quick and fell, "SON OF A BITCH"  I got up and tried to find a good outfit. I hopped into my jeans but my curly hair in a bun and put on a long black sleeved shirt. I put on my toms and I was out the door.  Bellamy blew out a smoke cloud staring at me through his ray bans. " Well princess, Is everything alright? " He asked amused. He leaned against his 2016 Impala. His leather jacket covering his white V neck tee. His black jeans hung low on his waist. He smirked at me ,"Checking me out?"  I flipped him off and got in the car. "WELL!" I yelled at him.

The air was silent and tense. "So, " Bellamy looked at me. I rolled my eyes. He sighed and put his hand on my thigh. "Luca." I growled."If you want to keep the one thing that actually WANTS to touch you at night, TAKE IT OFF OF ME" I threatened me.
"Boy you're not a morning person." He said smirking. "Not on a Saturday and where are we going?"I asked grumpy. "That my Darling, is a secret."
I rolled my eyes and turned of the radio.
"I just wanna stay in the sun where I find , I KNOW ITS HARD SOMETIMES"
I sang along with Tyler Joseph, and Bellamy laughed at me.
"Yes?" I smirked at him. "Nothing Penny, you sing really well" He said softly while putting his hand on my thigh again.

The streets were busy, People yelling and horns honking. This is what the big apple had to offer. Bellamy grabbed my hand , "Let's go" I blushed and took it, We went window shopping. I felt a little insecure, Some of these clothes were made for a plastic barbie. We took a shortcut, "I'm taking you to where I'm from" he said softly smiling.
Little by little the surroundings turned from upscale and flashy, to dark and oppressed. I held tight to his arm, I felt him flex. I smirked 'Cocky son of a bitch'

"Where we going?" I asked looking at him,after walking a few ways.
"To the best part of New York" He said proudly.
We stopped at a park, oh it was beautiful. There was a red bridge with this clear blue river running underneath. The city looked like it was sparkling underneath the sun. My breath was caught in my chest, I could only dreamed of such a place. I felt arms around me, "Bell" I whispered. "Hm?" He hummed into my hair. "Nothing" I sighed. And stood there, Staring at the beautiful scenery.

My mind pondered, why me? Why does he choose to be around me? Does he want something, to hurt me. After.. Aiden , I don't think I can take any more heartbreak....
"No one could ever love you, You're disgusting. I'm just sorry this went on as long as it did" His voice said laughing. "So every kiss, Every I love you. Was a lie?" I choked out. There they were, laughing. "You really think Aiden Taylor, would go out with someone like you?!" Lilian screeched while flipping her blonde hair. "She even gave me her virginity" Aiden shuddered.
"OH GROSS DUDE" One of the football players said "I HOPE YOU DIDN'T CATCH ANYTHING"
"A pig as well as a slut well, now we know you like playing in the mud" Vanessa giggled.  No.. No..No ..
NO! I woke up breathing hard. I ran a hand through my hair, "No" I whispered. My phone rang, I breathed "Hello?"
"Hey it's Lou, Can you come in and close tonight, Maria's kid got sick" He grunted.
"Yeah yeah, I'll be there soon" I said softly. After the phone call I laid down.
"Why me".

" Thanks for coming in Pen!" Hannah called. "No problem, Anytime" I smiled. I started taking orders. I stared at the clock, 4:00Am the red numbers read. "One more hour" I sighed. I saw a gentleman come in and I immediately grabbed the coffee and a cup. "Here you are" I gave it to him.
"Thanks doll" The man said. I blushed and began to walk away. "Say, Won't you stay with me." He smiled. I nodded and sat next to him.
"I'm Garret, " He introduced. "Penelope"
He was beautiful, his blue eyes were dark and stormy. He had a scar running down his chiseled jawline. He looked like something from the 40's. "See something you like?" He smirked.
"W-What, You're crazy. I wasn't staring at you" I looked at the table. Oh how I wish I was banging my head against the table. His chuckle was low, "What's a pretty thing like you working on a Saturday night?" I blushed and looked at him. "Well, Money is pretty important. Sorta need it to live" I said softly, embarrassing myself. He laughed harder, it sounded like chimes to me. "Well, here. He handed me a 100$ Tip. My eyes grew. " What?! I can't take this , Please "I tried to give it back to him. " No, You deserved it." He winked at me. He got up shook of his suit and tipped his hat to me. "See you around kid" He said whole walking out the diner. I stared after him.

Why me?

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