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Music and shouts came from the house. A ten year old boy is walking down the cold dark street. "Stupid mom" He cursed. "Why does she always kick me out when she has her clients"
"Lucas!" A blonde boy came running after him, "My mom said you can come over if you want"
The brunette boy nodded and followed the blonde who had his arm around his shoulder. "Thanks Logan" The boy said softly. "No problem Bell, its the least I can do since you fought Big Tony to save me" Logan smiled his toothless grin.
Bellamy laughed, "Ah I could take him on any day of the week. He's so fat to me it was like watching a slow motion movie"
Logan cracked up and the two race down the street to Logan's house.

He's pinned against the wall. Bloody. "WHERES OUR MONEY BOY!" The two men smacked his head. "I don't know. " The now thirteen year old said. "Tell your whore mother that if she doesn't return our money. Our boss will come give her a visit" They smiled sadistically.
"Fuck you" The boy growled. "Your mother already did, she's a good screw too. Too bad she's getting loose" The red head laughed. The boy glared at them.

"PLEASE! PLEA-" A gun went off. "Clean up the mess" The man in a suit said. The 14 year old stood outside his hands tied behind his back. No tears came out. He was hard as a rock. The man came down the stairs and over looked the boy. "You're tough" He remarked. "Tough enough" He spat. "How are you with a gun" He white haired man said. "I can shoot" he didn't break any eye contact.
"Oh yeah?" The man laughed. "Let him loose"
The boy stood still and tall. He was given the gun. "Shoot Marco here in the head" He said coldly.
They brought out a man who was shaking and crying in front of him.
"Fine" The boy said coldly.  He raised his hand swiftly and pulled the trigger. Not so much a blink from him.
The man laughed, "How would you like to work for me kid"
"What do I have to do" He said to him.
"We'll see when you grow up, but in the mean time. We'll train you on how to be a bodyguard. My son is a bit older than you but he's a bit soft. I need you to watch out for him "
"I'm not no babysitter" The boy retorted.
"You'll show him the ropes, and in return you'll live in my house go to the best school have protection kid" The man softly smiled.
Bellamy looked down and nodded,"fine "
"Good, what do they call you?" The man said happily.
"Bellamy. Lucas" The boy said hard.

"Always block with your left" The teen told the older boy. "Again"
The two men fought , swift punches not missing a beat . Ducking and Dodging until the older boy had the one up and hit his chin.
"JEEZ Sorry Bell" Garret told him helping him up. Bell put a hand to his chin and laughed, "It's fine Garret, Nice uppercut"
The two boys sat next to each other staring into the room. "Bellamy, Can I ask something?" Garret asked softly braking the silence.
"Sure" Bellamy said as he laid back with his hands behind his head. "What really happened when father found you?"
The sliver eyed boy looked up and stared at him. "Why do you ask?"He stared hard at him. The bronze boy looked at his feet, " Well when we were little, you would talk in your sleep. You would call for your mom " Bellamy swallowed hard and felt his face being flushed. "I now know what father does, and I know mother doesn't like you very much" Bellamy laughed at that . Susan Parks, the woman with a perfect fantasy family, until that is Bellamy, The Italian mutt from the Bronx. Bellamy made the woman's life hell. He didn't care. "So what happened" Garret stared at him wide eyed. Bell shrugged and said, "She was a prostitute, she went out one night never came home" He lied. Garret gasped. "But. Don't you miss her?"
"Nah, I've been fending for myself since I was 4" He said hardening his heart right then and there. OF course He missed his mom. In the night she was a different person. But in the day, She was a mom. She would take him on walks to the park. She bought him ice cream coming on the way home. And the way she told her stories, oh how he loved to hear her voice raise and fall with excitement. He pressed down his feelings deep deep in his stomach , his chest felt like he was carrying a boulder in his chest.

"Bellamy, I'M THE ONE WHO RAISED YOU" The man said on his knees.
He raised his arm and leveled it . The boy was gone. In his place was a man. His baby fat left his cheeks, his body strong and muscular.
"No" The deep voice said . "You trained me " He pulled the trigger and left the man dead in the street.  His shadow was behind him as he walked down the street of his childhood. He walked up the steps,with a breath he softly knocked.
"I got it mom!" The voice yelled from inside. The door opened. "B-Bellamy" The blonde young man said staring at his childhood friend.
"Hey Logan, You grew up alri-" The blonde hugged him tight.
"I thought you were dead,I thought my brother was dead" The blonde told bell. Bellamy hugged him back, he missed his little brother in spirit.  "Come on, mom has your room ready for you" The boy said excitedly. Gretta stared at Bellamy and hugged him,"My how you grown oh my poor boy "
His heart thumped.

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