A Deal With A Devil In An Armani Suit

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"Son of a bitch, TELL me where you have her or I swear to God-" Garret's dark laugh interrupted Bell,"God? The way I see it, I'm your God. I get to decide who lives" he turned to look at me with a smile, "and who dies" I tried to move, making the gun press its cold metal in my neck.
"Bellamy! Stop! You'll only give him what he wants" Garrett grabbed my face and made me look at him,"And what, sweetheart is that?" I bit my lip feeling repulsed. He laughed bringing his face closer. "Stay away from her!" Garrett stopped and looked at Bell, "Or what?" Bell stared at Garrett with fury from hell.
"Awe now little brother, why are you so upset. Daddy dearest wouldn't like his two darling sons  having a fight now would he?"
"Remember who killed him Parks, you don't scare me" I felt helpless and tried to break free from the brute who held me draining my feeling in my fingertips.
"And for the best actress award" Garrett announced smiling, "Penelope Garcia for playing Bellamy, ladies and gentleman. Round of applause". My heart dropped " No" escaped my lips. Bellamy gasped and looked at me. "What?"
"It's not true" I breathed out. "It's not. Don't believe him, I love -" Garrett rolled his eyes as he yanked me closer to him,"Yeah. Sure okay toots "
"Bellamy you have to believe me"
Bell slowly sat down raised his hands to hide his face, "I even have proof" Garret sounded damming. Checkmate. I stared at Garrett, "What proof"
With a wave of his hand his henchmen brought in a camera from the night of the club,"NO NO NO" Bell closed his eyes at the part where he kissed my neck like it was a horror show. "Its fake Bell!" He got up and walked out the door,"No"
"Well" Garret turned to look at me, "That's unfortunate, anyway enough dawdling let's get to business shall we?"

Bellamy's P.O.V
Breathe. Breathe. I picked up my cell phone and walked down the street.
"Logan he's here"
"Fuck. A little early than we expected. Ah. Well let's do this, lemme speak to Penelope"
I cringed, "Ah see about that-"
"YOU DID NOT LEAVE HER ALONE WITH THAT HOMICIDAL MANIAC" I could tell Logan was furious, "She can handle it. She's tough" Logan sighed, "they all left, got your gun?"
I took another sharp breath. "DON'T. DO NOT TELL ME HE'S GOT YOUR GUN TOO" fine. I won't.
"Okay. They are all going to your location just. Don't get my baby or Penelope killed. Understand." I rolled my eyes, "and what about me?"
"I know you'll be okay, you're Bellamy. You're always okay." I smiled and said see you soon. It seems better than goodbye. It gives hope that we see each other once again.
Hang on Penelope!

Penelope's POV
"FUCK!" I screamed while he slid a knife down my cheek. "Aw baby. That's gonna leave a mark"His dark chuckle radiated in his eyes making it a dark sea green. "Now, tell me where dear precious faggot Logan is and this. This will all be a nightmare sweetheart"
I gritted my teeth, "Go to hell" SMACK! 
"Trust me Honey, I've been there, it's actually nice this time of year" He winked and sat across from me.

"Now" He sat down with a satisfied look to his face as he left up his feet on the table. "Where you raised in a barn, take your feet off the table" I found myself saying.  Garret looked at me surprised and with the blood stained knife pointed at me, "See SEE he never deserved you" He started chuckling," Even while you stare at the face of death you don't even flinch" I glared at him watching him taking an apple from the bowl and cutting into it, "And no actually I was raised quite well. Shall we say a silver spoon in my mouth?" Disgust ran through my body, I bit through my cheek. Why did i ever say I would play bait?

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