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It was dark and cold. Why did Bell wanted to meet here? I looked around my surroundings, road. And a empty one at that too. I prayed and felt my can of Mace.
I heard the roar of his mustang coming up the road. He parked and came out of the car. Oh my. His leather jacket fit him perfectly, his black button up showing his collarbone. I looked up to his face finding a smirk on his lips,"Hey princess. See what you like?"
I rolled my eyes and stood on my tippy toes. His arms were around my waist when his kissed me. A cleared throat disrupted us, I looked at Logan and Andy. "Hey boys" I said smiling. I saw Logan in a sling, I hugged him "You okay?"
"Eh been through worse" He said winking. "Sure is that why you were crying" Andy laughed. A smack to the head was given by Bell. "Thanks Bro" Logan said.
"SO Where we off too?" I asked the three,"And where's Zeira "
"She's with Clarke, they're at the cage" Andy said. I looked at Bellamy with my eyebrow raised. 
"Tonight, you're going to see my world" He said confidently.

We drove up a junkyard? "A junkyard?" I looked at Bell. He smirked, "Never judge a book by its cover babe"
We got our the car and came upon the entrance. The two buff men looked at Bellamy once and opened the door. "Good luck tonight Mr Lucas" The guard said. "Thanks Ernie" Bell smiled. Ernie winked at me, my face blushed.
"PENELOPE!" Zeira called and she hugged me "Finally what took so long, Bell you're up"
Bell nodded and grabbed my hand leading me away from the group. "Stay with Logan, there are sketchy people here. Don't stray away. " He said lowly. I nodded "And " He brushed back a piece of my hair. "You look gorgeous" I blushed and he kissed me.
"Oi Lucas, Picking up girls at McDonald's now?" This HUGE motherfucker said. I was in shock at how big this dude was. I'm also very disappointed in myself that my first thought was "Whoa he's hot"
Bell glared at him with a smirk,"Starting early I see Lopez, Save it for the ring. And where's your slut. I'm surprised I didn't hear her screaming my name"
"MS. PIGGY?!" I stopped breathing. No no.
There she was clacking up to us, Bell held my hand tighter. "Oh god, I knew it was you! Ew gross, how can you stand her"
I stood still and smirked,"Nice to see you too, wow new guy? You move quick. You steroids hope you don't catch anything"
The muscular man looked at me and glared,"You know this fat whale babe" "Sadly" Lillian nasally voice said.
I glared at her, "What you pig, you wanna go". I stepped up to her but Bellamy held out his arm. " Call off your bitch Lopez".
"Sorry bro, I cant control my girl" Lopez smirked. "Oh, jeez well know I now who wears the pants in the relationship" I found myself saying. Logan laughed, "Overcompensate much"  His face grew livid, "Let's Go Lucas, YOU AND ME"
"You got it" He said relaxed.
With a kiss and a request to be careful he went  to a man and placed a stack of money on a table.

"I hope he's gonna be okay" I said lowly. "YOU KIDDING?" Andy grinned "Bellamy is the best fighter here, he's tough pen"
Logan put his good arm around me, "He's gonna be alright" He said seriously. I nodded and looked around, in the conner there was Garret. He looked at me and winked. "I saw Garret" I told Logan. He looked around, "I don't see him" I pointed to where I saw him, he wasn't there anymore. "He was right there."
"Just stay by me and the boys alright" Logan said seriously.


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