Fangirl (McCree x Reader) (Lemon)

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SMUT AHEAD!! Let's get steamy shall we?

You poke your head into the mailbox, your eyes immediately landing on the large yellow envelope inside.

You felt your heart skip a beat, grabbing the envelope and turning it over. Printed boldly on the back was the signature overwatch symbol.

You hold your breath as you slowly tear open the thick yellow paper. Removing the smaller white paper inside, you skim the words before letting out a squeal, jumping around in excitement.

"I got accepted!! I'm gonna be in overwatch!!" You scream, the whole neighborhood giving you odd stares. You couldn't care less, your mind already struggling to believe that you, a ordinary girl with a dream to be a hero, actually got excepted into THE OVERWATCH.

Darting inside you start to pack the things you need into a bag. You weren't sure how all this "being accepted into overwatch stuff worked", and actually you hadn't expected to get a letter at all, but none of that mattered to you right now.

You were going to be in overwatch.


Ever since you were a little girl you had dreamed of joining overwatch. You had dreamed of standing beside the heroes you had looked up to for such a long time.

Well, one hero in particular you had always dreamed of working beside. Jesse McCree, your idol, role model, and crush for as long as you could remember.

As soon as your parents had let you, you joined every fighting class, training programs, even several weapons training classes. You were going to achieve your dream at any cost.

Now, here you were, standing at the entrance of the Overwatch base, excitement and nervousness gnawing at you.

You take a deep breath, giving your mind a moment to process what was happening before walking in.


Several months had passed since you had joined overwatch. The excitement of being a hero had died down, people who were your role models and idols now became your friends and co-workers. You didn't mind all of that much, however the longer you stayed in overwatch the more you noticed something that really bothered you.

McCree and Hanzo.

You had joined overwatch partially wanting to be a hero, but also with the hopes to get closer to the rugged cowboy you had crushed on since you were little.

Now you were here only to find that he was gay?! There goes the your hopes of being with that man.

Were you jealous? Well, jealous and disappointed were the words you would use to describe the feeling you got every time you saw the two men talking with each other.

You had never seen them doing anything with each other, just talking. But after several month you decided it was safe to say they were together.

You let a small sigh pass your lips as you saw the cowboy and the archer talking to each other in a hallway. You knew you shouldn't let it get to you, but it did. Every time you saw them together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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