Smile (Yandere! Tracer x Reader)

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A/N: quick warning~ this chapter is a tad bit violent~ just a warning~!

Tracer watched you, her hands balled against her cheeks, resting her elbows on the table.

She had watched you for a long time now, she followed you were ever you went. She new everything about you.

She knew that you belonged with her, she loved you way too much for you to not belong with her, so the fact that you were with Widowmaker made her angry. Very angry.

You burst out into laughter, surrounded by many of the other members of Overwatch. Tracer felt an all too familiar feeling swelling in the pit of her stomach.

Sure, she loved to hear you laugh, but she wanted you to laugh for her, not for her teammates. You seemed so comfortable with them..... But when you were with her she could tell you were uncomfortable. Why?! Why did you spend your time with the other members of Overwatch rather than her?!

She felt her stomach twist into tight knots watching Widowmaker give you affectionate kisses on your cheeks and lips, making you smile.

Tracer had always adored your smile. It was what she had always fought to preserve. But she wanted you to smile at her. Only her.

Growling she stood up and excused herself. This relationship you had with Widowmaker.... She had to do something about it.


Widowmaker gave you one last peck on the lips, smiling sheepishly before going off to her room. Tracer waited until you had disappeared into your room before blinking after Widowmaker.


Widowmaker let out a sigh of relief, thankful that she could finally have some time to herself. She loved you to death of coarse but she was still getting used to this constant affection.

Suddenly she heard soft footsteps, grabbing her gun she whipped around and pointed the gun at the intruder. Realizing it was only Tracer she eased up.

"Tracer... You scared me..." She sighed in her obvious French accent. She looked at her friend with a soft smile before studying the girl's face.

She had a wide grin plastering her lips, her eyes wide and staring directly at Widowmaker. Her form barely illuminating her slim figure, the light catching her eyes and teeth giving them an eerie glow.

Tracer's entire appearance reminded Widowmaker from something out of a horror movie. "Um... Tracer... What is with that look I-"

"Mine..." The single word passed Tracer's lips. Widowmaker backed up, confused but she couldn't shake the growing terror in her stomach. Something was off about Tracer. Something was very off.

Slowly she reached for the knife laying on her bedside table, praying that Tracer wouldn't notice. Tracer just continued to stare at Widowmaker in feigned happiness.

"W-what's yours...?" Widowmaker asked slowly, attempting to keep Tracer distracted.

"(Y/N)'s smile..." Tracer's voice was soft an even, but the venom seeping from it was enough to terrify even the Widowmaker.

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