Sad (Genji x Reader)

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"Thanks (y/n)!!"

"(Y/n) cooked dinner again?!"

"(Y/n)'s cooking is the best!"

The other Overwatch members cheer as you set out yet another finely made dinner. You grin talking to the other members as the complimented you on your cooking.

They all loved how you would be so happy and kind, doing the chores and cooking meals with a smile on your face. All but one loved your smile.

Genji watched you in silent pity, frowning underneath his mask. The cyborg had loved you the moment he had met you. He had admired how strong and kind you were. Or so he ha thought.

Though you didn't have any powers or fighting skills, Overwatch had welcomed you in with open arms. Now you served as a maid of sorts.

But the longer you stayed the more Genji noticed how, kind as you are, your kindness was only used to hide the pain inside.

He hated it. He also hated himself for not doing anything about it, but he never knew what to say. He wanted to help you, to hold you close when you were crying. But he could never find the right time to talk to you. If he did, would you even want his help?


Genji couldn't sleep again. Deciding there was no use in hopelessly laying in bed awake he decided to take a walk to easy his raging mind.

Walking past one of the empty storage room when suddenly he heard soft sniffles.

Was someone crying?

Genji gently pushed on the door, glancing through the small crack. It was you.

Genji stepped back, confused. You were always so happy and kind, why were you crying? Did someone hurt you? Rage swelled up in his chest, he hated seeing you sad.

He walked back to the door and was about to open it when he rethought. It wasn't his place to try and involve himself in your problems.

Slowly he stepped back, and walked away.

>end flashback<

Ever since then Genji was no longer convinced by you happy act. He wanted to help you but didn't know how.

"Genji?" Genji blinked finally noticing you waving your hand in front of his face. "You were all spaced out!" You giggle, "Are you gonna eat?"

Genji flinched, the smile plastered on your face was so beautiful, but he hated the thought that it was forced. He wanted to see you smile, but he wanted it to be a smile, not a mask to hide in.

"I'm not hungry..." He growled, pushing himself up and leaving the rest of the room in an awkward silence.

(Your P.O.V)

Swallowing hard you watch the cyborg leave the room.

You were kind to Genji, you helped him, but for some reason no matter what you did he always seemed mad at you. But you were done with it, if he was going to treat you poorly then at least you wanted to know why.

Making up your mind you run out of the room. You knew where to find him, running up to the roof.

Sure enough, Genji stood on the edge watching the darkening sky, lost in thought.

"Why?!" You shout, rousing the ninja from his mind. He made no move, not even to face you.

"Why what?" He asked, his tone cold making you shiver.

"Why are you so mean to me...?" You ask softly, fidgeting in your spot.

Before you knew it you back was slammed against the wall with Genji less than an arms length away staring you down coldly.

"Why am I mean?" His voice was low and even, his figure outlined by the dying light of the sunset only making him more intimidating.

You held your breath, not knowing what to do or what to say to ease the man's temper.

You decide to smile, "Genji-"

"Why do you do this to yourself..?" He asked, his voice softening while his posture remained.

"Do what?" Your voice was barely a whisper, afraid to say anything that would set him off.

As the word left you mouth suddenly Genji lurched forward, you squeeze you eyes shut in fear waiting for a strike to come.

Instead you felt cool metal cup your cheek. "Why to you hide your pain?"
You open your eyes seeing Genji very close to you.

You felt your eyes start to water, had Genji known all along? Had he seen through your act?

"I don't want other people... To be sad like me..." You whisper.

"But if you don't let people see, they can't help you.... I can't help you..." He said, gently caressing your cheek.

Hearing these words you broke down, squeezing your arms around the cyborg ninja's torso and crying.

You felt him gently wrap his arms around you, stroking your hair gently.

"You don't have to be sad anymore... I'll protect you...(y/n)." And though you couldn't see it, Genji smiled.

A/N: Im sorry if this chapter is OOC.... Hopefully this is what you wanted saiph_xoxo. Next I think I'll do Mercy.

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