Guardian Angel (Widowmaker x Female! Reader)

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You sigh, staring up at the starry night sky contently. Your life was as simple and boring as ever, but you didn't mind. In fact, you enjoyed a simple life. Everyday was routine and similar, which allowed you to drift off into your own mystical fantasies without hurting yourself.

You were no super hero, in fact, you weren't really super anything. You were just an average girl with an average life, and you liked it that way.

You had gotten off of work late today, but thanks to that you were now able to walk under this beautiful night sky with only the soft sounds of the city around you.

Everything was peaceful.

Suddenly you heard a commotion coming from a nearby ally. You froze, telling your self that you shouldn't go snooping around in other people's business.

Of coarse, you didn't listen to yourself and slowly creep towards the ally, peeking around the corner to see what was happening.

In the ally you could see a slender, curved girl standing over the bodies of three large men. 'D-did she take them down?!' You mind flew at a hundred miles an hour.

You stumble a bit, letting out a small squeak of surprise. Immediately the girl looked up, and you could make out the blue tint of her skin glowing in the soft light.

Her yellow eyes flickered, and in an instant she was in front of you, shoving you against the wall roughly.

"Who are you?! Why are you here?!" She spat, her French accent obvious in her voice.

"I.... I just...." You trailed off, nervously staring at the blue Frenchwoman.

"Speak!" She hissed angrily, harshly pointing a gun at your chin. You panic, feeling the cool metal of the gun press against your warm skin.

"I-I'm just a normal person! I swear!! I isn't mean any harm, I just wanted to see what was going on!! Please don't kill me!!" You blurt out, and squeeze your eyes shut waiting for the girl to kill you.

The Frenchwoman was silent for several moments before she leaned forward, her face inches from yours. "You are truly just a normal girl?" She asked, narrowing her brilliant yellow eyes in suspicion.

You nod frantically, feeling her cold breath brush against your face.

The girl let out a sigh, moving away from you. "If you are truly who you say you are, then I have no reason to kill you." She said flatly. You let out a sigh of relief, opening your mouth to thank her when she spoke again.

"However, I can not let you go, for you have seen too much." Her yellow eyes examine you, you could feel your heart drop, waiting in terror to hear what she would say next. "I will be keeping my eye on you." She said, before turning and beginning to leave.

"W-wait!" You cry, desperately hoping you could convince her that your wouldn't tell anyone and she could just leave you alone, but the second the Frenchwoman turned, yellow eyes staring daggers into you, you lost everything you were about to say. "W-what should I call you...?" You ask slowly.

"I am Widowmaker." She said, and before you could say anything else, turned and left.

The next few days past in the same, uneventful way as your previous days, but unlike usual, you had a cloud of terror over you. One that made you look twice behind you, or jump at every little sound.

You dreaded this Widowmaker that was apparently watching you, fearing she could come at any time and take your life.

Every move you made, you made with caution, just in case the Widowmaker saw it as a threat.

Even a few times, you swore you saw the blue girl on a high rise, or hidden behind the scenery. And no matter where you went, the feeling you were being watched followed.

You sat at a small cafe, nervously glancing at the high spots of surrounding buildings, fingers drumming against the sides of your cup.


Suddenly woken from your thoughts you let out a short scream. Realizes it was only the waitress come to refill your coffee, you blush sheepishly.

"I... Um... I'll just take the bill..." You mumble, noticing a few guys laughing at grinning at you.

The waitress nodded, and returned with your bill.

As you left the cafe you notice the guys from before standing up and trailing you.

Fear began to build up inside you as you walk faster, only to have them pursue you more.

Finally you broke out into a full sprint, though it wasn't long before the guys caught up with you, dragging you into a dark ally.

"Well look what we've got here!" The first man purred.

"What's a cute girl like yourself doing all alone?" The second chimed in as the first brushed his finger against your cheek.

"P-please... Leave me alone." You say, hopelessness already filling your voice.

"Like we're going to do that!" The first man snickered, beginning to lift up your shirt as you squeezed your eyes shut, but before he could undress you loud gunshot cut through the air, followed by several more.

You felt the weight on your body lift, and footsteps coming closer to you. Just then you felt a cool hand take your arm gently and pull you off the wall.

You dated to open your eyes, which met with intense yellow eyes you recognized immediately.

"W-Widowmaker?" You barely manage to speak above a whisper.

The woman nodded, and released her grip on you. You watch her as she slowly began to walk away.

"W-wait!!" You stammer, stumbling forward and grabbing her cold hand. Several moments passed before you spoke again. "Why save me....?"

Widowmaker scoffed, turning slightly towards you and studying you. "I told you, I will be keeping an eye on you." She said.

You release your grip on her, watching her as she shot a grapple hook and disappeared into the skyline.

You were scared, yes, but there was a piece of you that knew you would be safe. Why? Because you had your guardian angel protecting you.

A/N: Thank you everyone for being so patient~! I was on vacation so I could not update, but I'm back now and will hopefully be updating more consistently now. anyway~ requested by bulletstorm11~ hopefully you enjoyed this~!

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