Chaos and Order (Symmetra x Reader)

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Untamed. Barbaric. Insane. Those were the words Symmetra would describe you. She wanted to fix humanity, but in her mind you demonstrated everything that was wrong with it. So what she hated even more was the strange fascination she had for you.

A villain who spends his time irrationally destroying things, and Symmetra couldn't stop thinking about you. You made no sense to her, and that's why she wanted to know more about you.

Symmetra shook her head, angry at the thoughts plaguing her mind. Grumbling to herself she stalked around the Overwatch base.

The other girls had asked her many times why she had been so upset lately, but Symmetra had no intent on sharing her thoughts.

Sitting around and letting her mind wonder was no solution to her problem, and she was tired of people bugging her at the base, so instead she decided to go see if there was anything she could fix in town.

Walking around she would fix up cracks in the buildings, graffiti on the walls, she made everything perfect. Did it annoy people? Yes, but she didn't really care just so long as the world made sense. Just so long as the world had order.

Just then a loud explosion rang out, followed by angry shouts and gunshots.

Symmetra couldn't help but feel annoyed running over to the commotion.

As she arrived she quickly examined the wreck. Flames spat from gaping hole in the building while policemen where chasing down the culprit. Symmetra looked only to see just the person she had wished to avoid. You.

Symmetra let out an exasperated sigh, figuring it only made sense that you would be the one to be the culprit of a crime that made no sense.

"Oi!" A man shouted, interrupting Symmetra's thoughts. "You're one of those Overwatch freaks right?" Symmetra shot him a dark glare before nodding curtly. "Then get your ass out there and help!" He snapped angrily, jabbing a finger at the chase.

Symmetra groaned quietly and ran off. It didn't take long for her to find you cornered by the police, guns aimed at your head.

"(Super Villain Name), drop your weapons and come quietly or we will shoot!!" One policeman shouted.

"Ha! Sure you will!" You spat, crossing your arms over your chest in an 'I'm not moving' fashion.

Symmetra heard clicks of the triggers about to be pulled. Suddenly she realized that if you died here she would never be able to understand you.

Quickly weighing options in her head she jumped out in front of you. "Wait!" She shouted.

"Move aside ma'am, or we'll be forced to shoot you to!"

"But-" Symmetra began.

"You have until the count of three ma'am!" The policeman interrupted.

"One!" Symmetra's mind raced, she couldn't die here, not when so much of the world needed to be fixed!

"Two!" But if she left you, then she would never understand why you did the things you did. She would forever be left to question your insanity!

"Three!" Without thinking Symmetra threw down a portal, grabbing you by the wrist she pulled you through just in time.

The two of you popped out in stumbled out into a store house just as the portal collapsed behind you.

Jaw dropped you stare at the spot where the portal had been, whipping your head around to look at Symmeta, "Why'd you-" before you could finish your sentence Symmetra pushed you against the wall, pinning you with her arms on either side of your head.

"Why do you do this?!" Symmetra demanded. You cock an eyebrow, confused.

"Excuse me?" You ask, shoving her off of you.

"Why do you destroy things?! Why do you bring chaos?! Why do you-" before Symmetra could finish you cut her off with a rough kiss.

"You can't put people in a box and call it order love!" You smirk, your face a few centimeters away from hers.

Symmetra's face lit up red, pulling away. "You make no sense..." She whispered.

You shrug, "I know, but that's why you're crazy for me!" You smirk.

Then you left, leaving Symmetra a blushing, confused mess.

You made no sense to her, and that's why she loved you.

A/N: this one was short... Sorry.  Requested by @Jasper_My_Queen , hopefully you liked it. Next is tracer x female! Reader.

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