Bonus Chapter: Stop. Don't Talk to Me.

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Bonus Chapter: Stop. Don't Talk to Me.

~Gemma: Age 17~ (just a warning that she gets mad and goes off on anyone who crosses her and I love it. cx)

       When I got home from school, I slammed the front door shut before taking off my shoes, throwing my school bag on the ground, and basically ripping off my jacket. Mom must have heard me because she walked out of her office. "Gemma, calm down," she said.

       "Calm down?" I asked. "I will not calm down. I swear, if I ever see either of their faces again, I will beat the shit out of them."

       "Okay, two things," she said. "One, no cursing. And two, who are you talking about?"

       "I don't want to talk about it," I said before flopping onto the couch. "Just leave me to die." 

       "Stop being so dramatic," she said. I was surprised she heard me since my voice was muffled considering my face was on the arm rest. "What did he do now?"

       "He was a jackass, that's what he did."

       "Remind me to get mad at Dax for cursing so much around you," Mom said. "What happened, anyway?"

       I explained to my mom exactly why I was so pissed off. She sighed when I finished. "Gemma...."


       "You don't even know what I was going to say," Mom said.

       I scoffed. I knew exactly what she was going to say. "'Gemma, you should talk to him'. I'm not talking to him."

       "It could be a misunderstanding," Mom said.

       "I know what I saw."

       "What you saw could be out of context," Mom said. "You don't know what really happened."

       I didn't reply as I shifted on the couch so I was now facing the back of it. Mom wasn't there. She didn't see what happened. I did. I saw what happened and I wasn't going to talk to him for a long time. Possibly forever.

       Someone knocked on the door, so Mom went to answer it. She said something to whoever was there before letting them in and heading back to her office.

       I felt someone lay down beside me on the couch and I knew that it was my stupid boyfriend whom I didn't want to talk to.

       "Go away," I said.


       "I don't want to talk to you."

       Marcus sighed, but stayed where he was. "She just kissed my cheek, that's it."

       "She still kissed you."

       "Look, she needed help thinking of a gift for her brother, so I helped her," Marcus said. "She kissed my cheek to thank me and she walked away before I could tell her not to."

       "She's always flirting with you."

       "I know," Marcus said. "But you know I don't flirt back. I've told her many times that I have a girlfriend, and she knows I do, but she won't stop. It doesn't matter what she does. As long as I don't flirt back, you shouldn't worry at all."

       "It's not just Clara," I said. "So many girls flirt with you and they all know you have a girlfriend."

       "Gemma, can you please turn to face me?" Marcus asked.

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