Chapter 41

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I'm actually choosing two girl names and I'll give a shout-out to the readers who suggested the name first.

Chapter 41

       "Seb!" I called once someone started knocking frantically on the door. "Someone's at the door!"

       Seb walked out of his bedroom and looked at me with a sigh. "And why can't you answer it?"

       "Because I'm a bat."

       "Yeah, I can see that," he said, rolling his eyes at the fact that I was hanging upside down on the couch, something I did a lot. It was fun.

       Seb went to the door and opened it, reveling Ty who was just in mid-knock. "I got a girl pregnant."

       "You what?" Seb asked.

       "Can I just come in?" Ty asked.

       "Uh, sure," Seb said, letting Ty come in. Ty sat down on the couch and Seb sat down beside me, but I stayed upside down. I was having to much fun and I was going to have even more listening to Ty's misfortunes. "So what exactly happened?"

       Ty sighed. "There's this girl, Danielle. We kind of have this love-hate relationship and a few weeks ago, we slept together, but when I woke up, she was gone. She has been ignoring me ever since."

       "Then how do you know she's pregnant?" Seb asked.

       "Her best friend told me," Ty said. "She also told me that Danielle doesn't want me knowing because she's....she's planning on getting an abortion. But, the thing is, I don't want her to get it. I know it's her choice, but...."

      "Ty," Seb interrupted. "It's not just her choice. That baby is yours too."

      "But I'm not the one carrying it," Ty said. "If she doesn't want to go through the pregnancy, then I can't force her."

       "But you can convince her not to," Seb said. "Even though she doesn't want you knowing, I think you should talk to her about it. Maybe when she sees that you want it, she'll rethink everything."

       Ty scoffed. "Probably not. She's really stubborn and it takes a lot for someone or something to change her mind. Once she has an idea stuck in her head, it's there."

       "You can at least try," Seb said. "If her best friend told you, then maybe Danielle still isn't sure about it."

       "How'd you get her pregnant, anyway?" I asked.

       Ty sighed. "We....forgot a condom."

       That got me laughing.

       "Shut up, fucktard," Ty snapped. "It's not funny."

       I sat up. "It kind of is. I mean, even I used a condom when I first slept with Isadora. And we were drunk."

       "I don't fucking care about your....whatever," Ty said. "I have an actual problem here."

       I groaned. "Just talk to her and stop being a baby!"

       "It's not that easy!" Ty said. "I tried talking to her and she won't listen."

       "Probably because you're not trying hard enough," I said. "Just go up to her and say, 'Hey, you're carrying my baby and I want it'."

       Seb looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that's not going to work."

       "It will," I said. "He'll be getting straight to the point. Now if you'll excuse me...." I went back to my upside down position. "Bat mode."

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