Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

       I walked into the English classroom, only to have Isadora furrow her eyebrows when she saw me. "You're not staying home today?" she asked when I sat down.

       "No point," I said.

       "You look tired," she said. "Are you sure you're okay to be here?"

       "I'm fine."

       "You know what fine stands for?" Isadora asked. "Feelings I'm Not Expressing."

       "I'm not going to hold on to what I did a few days ago," I said. "I attempted it, it didn't work, that's it. I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay?"

       "Okay," Isadora said with a sigh.

       When the tardy bell rang, Mr. Garner told us to put a divider between us, so everyone, except for me and Isadora, got a divider. I wasn't going to be writing the test and I doubt Mr. Garner would get me to do anything, so I was just going to rest.

       Mr. Garner started handing out the test and when he skipped me, Collin began complaining, but what else was new?

       "Collin, you need to stop picking on little things," Mr. Garner said.

       "But it's not fair," Collin whined. "One time when I was sick for a few days, I still had to write a test. I could take this up to the principal."

       "And I'm sure she would back me up," Mr. Garner said. "Nobody else is complaining about it. I'm the teacher and what says, goes. Now, if you complain about something again, you will be going to the principal's office. Got it?"

       Collin sighed. "Got it."

       If I wasn't in such a crappy mood, I probably would have asked Collin what happened to his nose just to bug him. And if I did bring it up, Mr. Garner would probably make me do the test. He may be an understanding teacher, but we have to be on his good side for that to happen.

       Everyone started the test and I just rested my head on my desk, trying to rest for a bit. I hadn't gotten much sleep for the past couple nights. I napped for about an hour during the days, but that was it.

       I wasn't able to rest and I was starting the feel a bit antsy. My leg was shaking up and down and I really didn't want to stay seated the whole time, but I wasn't in the mood to go for a walk.

       Isadora suddenly intertwined her hand in mine, despite her writing the test. I lifted my head and looked at her, making her give me a thin smile before she turned her attention back to her test, keeping her hand in mine.

       I lowered my head again and closed my eyes. Now I knew how Seb felt when he started liking his best friend....

       I really liked Isadora and I think we actually showed each other a lot of affection, like the hand holding and the cuddling, but I wasn't sure if she was doing it because she liked me, or if it was just for comfort.

       Whatever it was, it usually made me feel better.

       Isadora released my hand to hand in her test but when she sat down, she held my hand again and this time rested her head on my shoulder. I assumed everyone else was done, since it sounded like most people, if not all, were talking.

       "You tired?" she asked.


       "No sleep?"


       "If you can't sleep, you could always just call me to talk," she said.

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