Chapter 25: GMG Day 3

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Akira's POV

"Today's game will be called sky platform so choose your participants Kabo" Mato shouted. "Ok Luna today will be your game so do your best" Lucy said, Luna was about to jump over the side when I whined "But why does Luna always get to have the fun" Everyone in my team looked at me and Hayley spoke up "Let me put it this way your game will come, also you sound like a two year old so if you carry on you know where you will go" she got deadlier and deadlier with each word she said. I pouted and sulked in the corner hearing Mato shout again. "so we have Luna from fairy tail B, Gray from fairy tail A, Lyon form Lamia scale, Kagura from mermaid heel, Rufus from Sabertooth and last but not least eve from blue Pegasus."

Luna's POV

"So the rules for the game are, All 6 participants will be on an invisible platform and fight, you can fall off with ease and the last one standing wins-Kabo!!!" All 6 of us stood in a circle , the ground rumbled and all 7 of us where raised (Mato is also there) "Good luck and begin" he shouted jumping of the invisible platform , I looked over the edge and saw him pull a parachute which was green and had his green face on it, "weirdo" I muttered. I saw everyone else looking, then we began the fight.

"Juvia is mine, if I beat you she comes to our guild" Lyon said "don't you touch my girlfriend you bastard" Gray replied "Go on Gray-sama, Juvia thinks you can win for her" Juvia shouted. I just chuckled and watched everyone fight it out.

Rufus and Eve where fighting Eve sadly loosing, Lyon and Gray fighting with Kagura watching them with a stiff face. I walked over to Lyon and Gray and grabbed them both by their collars "Right Lyon get this through you thick frozen skull, Juvia and Gray are together, Juvia and Gray will stay together, right Gray" I said looking at Gray "Yes, yes we will stay together forever" Gray replied slightly shaking showing me he was scared, mission accomplished "Right now we have that settled I will go back to moaning at Lyon, if you interrupt or ruin their relationship, I will find you and I will kill you, by the way Meredy likes you" "LUNA" shouted a blushing Meredy. "Bye Lyon" "what" I kicked Lyon of the edge still holding Gray by the collar. "Thanks Luna I owe you one" Gray said sighing in relief "What you thought I was going to let you go, wrong, your team needs the points but it is your time to go, so bye, bye" with that said I threw Gray into the air waiting for him to come back down, he screamed on the way down frantically waving his arms and legs trying to grasp the air. When he got closer I kicked him off the platform and he bounced off a magic circle onto the finally coming to a stop.

"Rufus you bore me your out next" I walked over to Rufus spreading my unknown wings, they crawled and peeled from my arms my back showing my wing span in its true beauty, wings of black feathers shadowed my back as I towered over the tiger. "before you start Rufus my magic cannot be copied or remade so don't even try" I blinked and my eyes turned completely black no other colour showing (Like the demons in supernatural) my hair became white and my clothes changed, I wore black thigh high converse, white short shorts and a black sports bra "oh it's so good to be back" I said smiling and ruffling my white wavy hair, this is my purgatory form, I haven't been in it for a while but I feel so relaxed and at home in it. I stalked towards Rufus waving my hand in the air "from the depths of purgatory void" I sent Rufus into a hallucination showing him his worst nightmare. I walked closer until I stood right in front of him "release" he blinked a few time until I 360 kicked him sending him flying of the edge. Now onto Kagura, I approached Kagura with an emotionless face, I held my hands in the air, arms out stretched. The wind blew strong enough to make Kagura use a gravity spell, cherry blossom petals flew delicately through the air forming into rose gold katana's. I curled my hands around the hilt of the katana slashing the transparent platform destroying Kagura's path towards me, the platform shattered like glass, the whole arena watched closely *crack, crack, crack* the floor appeared for a split second before disappearing completely, I spread my wings shooting into the air watching Kagura fall. "And that's the end of the game so get prepared for our upcoming battles"

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