Chapter 17: Date Night, New People

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Lucy's POV

I was waiting for Natsu to take me to our date, it was 6:58 and he is usually late, I sat on the sofa in the living room drinking black tea. I was wearing a long purple dress with slight frills and strapless, I curled my hair and put a bow in it. The clock struck 7 and everyone came down for food, Hayley cooking, Akira and Luna arguing and Freed playing tag with Grace.

*Knock, Knock* came the tapping on the door I excitedly ran to the door but was disappointed to see it was happy and not Natsu, "Hi Lucy Natsu told me to take you to the restaurant" "ok" I replied. I grabbed a thin jacket putting it on "By guys" I shouted so everyone could hear me "by Lucy" everyone replied. With goodbyes said I walked out the door creating small talk with happy.

Time skip Restaurant

Me and happy walked up to the fancy looking restaurant called 'The magnolia tree' I was shocked this restaurant was so beautiful, I walked in and happy left going home. I saw Natsu standing by a table waiting for me, I smiled he kissed me on the cheek and tucked the chair under the table once I sat down. We were talking about random things then the waiter came so we ordered, 10 minutes later our food came and we started to eat.

Time skip after eating food

After me and Luce finished our meal I started to walk her home, we were walking hand in hand through a dark forest, it was peaceful and nice, we were walking in silence a comfortable one until I spoke up "hey Luce can I tell you something" "sure Natsu" Lucy spoke back. I stopped us and placed my hands on her hips she looked straight into my eyes with me looking straight back. I leaned in but before our lips touched I removed my hands from her waist and placed them on her cheeks and whispered "I love you Luce" I then kissed her with force but it was a gentle kiss at the same time filled with passion. At the start she didn't kiss back but I encouraged her by using my tongue sliding it along her plump lips, she opened her mouth causing a continuous battle for dominance with our tongues. The kiss turned into a make out session but we had to stop so we could breath, I leaned my forehead on hers and she whispered back. "I love you too, Natsu"

Akira's POV

I was walking around the woods blowing off some steam, It was quite peace I wandered around not heading in a certain direction just going wherever life tells me to go.

I had been walking for about half an hour when I came across a beautiful lake, the dark blue water shimmered and glowed with tiny yellow firefly's floating around the lake giving of a luminescent glow. It was so quiet and peaceful I loved it, I love fighting with Luna because I love the adrenaline rush but I love peace. Everyone sees me as a freak who loves to fight or compares me to Natsu, I don't think I am anything like him, I'm not a dense idiot but oh well.

The quietness didn't last long, a loud splash sounded through the once quiet area. I turned around to see someone sinking in the clear water, I hurriedly ran pulling my shoes of in the process releasing my cloak from the chain around my neck letting it flutter to the cold ground, and I dived into the water spreading my silky wings swimming faster to catch the barely conscious man.

I pushed my body up from the bottom of the lake with the unconscious man in my hands. My body shot up from the water spinning I spread my wings once again floating in the air, I lowered myself to the ground and placed the now I look at him handsome man on the ground, I moved his black fringe out of his face so I could see his face better. He wore a black cloak with a design on the right shoulder, I rolled him slightly so I could see the mark, it was white and a guild mark it was sabretooth, I knew I shouldn't be doing this but the least I could do was heal him so I know that he is safe but I won't let him see my face.

I placed both of my hands over his clothed chest, my hands glowed a faint gold this was the colour they went when I was healing people.

I had healed him fully so I stood up about to leave but I felt something grab my wrist, I turned around praying it wasn't the sabretooth man but it was. I stood frozen, He had a surprised look on his face but quickly covered it up with an emotionless expression he suddenly asked "Who are you?" his deep, gruff voice rang through my ears 'as if this guy could get any sexier, No Akira stop this isn't something you should be thinking about' I was mentally arguing with myself I forgot where I was and who was in front of me, he sat up still holding my wrist. I quickly shook away his hand and ran picking up my shoes and cloak running back home completely forgetting about teleportation.

Mystery Man's POV

Who was she and why did she help me, I didn't see much of her face because it was covered by half a fringe, but the one thing I cannot forget is her wings they were a silky white colour with gold lining on the feathers, she looked like an angel 'My angel'.

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