Chapter 15: The Dark Side

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I slowly lost control and I saw my family appear, My mother was healing my dad and Zeref was trying to get me under control whilst everyone just stood there looking shocked but what they were about to see next would shock them even more.

It's too late.

Lucy's POV

I grabbed my head with shaking hands, "one two too late, one two too late" I laughed a little in a creepy voice, I dropped to the floor hands still clutching my head knowing that there was no going back.

I clawed at my head with sharp nails laying down with my back flat on the sand. "AHHHHHH" I let out an ear piercing scream that made everyone, not only the dragon slayers cover their ears. No one know the pain I am going through right now the demon inside of me is eating away at me, consuming my life pulling me into the darkness feeding on my soul.

My hands dropped to my sides leaving my acing head, my hands uncontrollably clawed at the ground whilst my body remained still almost lifeless.

Natsu's POV

I was stood there doing nothing, nothing at all. I watched the girl I love suffer once again with no one to help her. I was about to step forward until she dropped to the floor her hands still clutching her head.

She clawed at her head laying down her back flat on the sand. "AHHHHHH" she let out an ear piercing scream that made everyone, not only me and the other dragon slayers cover our ears. No one know the pain she was going through right.

Her hands suddenly dropped to her sides leaving her head, I saw her hands uncontrollably claw the ground she looked lifeless you couldn't even see her chest rise or fall she wasn't breathing only her hands moved. I was about to run towards her to hug her and tell her that everything was ok but I was stopped.

Zeref ran in front of me blocking my path to Lucy, "Don't you dare go near my sister, don't even think of touching her with those filthy hands. You're the cause of this this is because of you, all the heartache and pain you have caused her has led to this, not even you can save her she can only save herself if that's even possible" he said in an angry tone pointing at me, this made me feel bad because I knew everything he said was correct "there must be some other way I need to save My Luce" I shouted back at him.

Zeref's POV

This is all Dragneel's fault if it wasn't for him and his selfish ways this wouldn't be happening.

Flash Back (Lucy's POV)

I ran through the woods I had had a nightmare of the guild again of Natsu my dream was about when he first brought me to fairy tail, he grabbed my hand and we started to run to Fairy Tail he swung the door open and when we walked in there was Lisanna.

He let go of my hand and laughed at me and called me weak and helpless then he pushed me in the river and left me to drown.

I didn't look where I was going, I fell into Yami no mizūmi (the lake of darkness) I clawed at the air hoping that someone was around to save me but nothing, I tried to breath in more air but I only got a mouth full of black water. The blackened water travelled down my throat burning me from the inside out now I had no hope, My mind started to play tricks on me "one two too late, one two too late" I chanted, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me from the darkness before it was too late (Zeref).

End of Flash Back

Natsu's POV

"The only other way is for someone she loves to save her but I don't think she knows how to love anymore" Zeref said he was angry but his toe gradually became sad.

I know I love Lucy but the thing is does she love me, time to find out.

I pushed Zeref away walking closet to Luce, I hear her talking "to late, too late" *creepy laugh*"to late, one two too late, one two too late, no no going back, lost soul, lost soul no coming back" I wouldn't let her crazy talk scare me out of this, I got closer and closer until I was kneeling besides her. I picked up her limp body and rested her head on my lap I started to stroke her hair whilst so chanted.

I kissed her on the forehead staying there for a few moments before I pulled back, her chanting change "no no not too late, no no not to late..." she became quiet I noticed that she fell asleep in my lap, her hair started to change back to a blondish gold leaving no trace of the dark side she was pulled into.

I finally have her back

My Luce.

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