Chapter 6: The brother I never knew I had

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6 months later

Lucy's POV

I have trained with 3 dragons so far, along the way I have earned more power and knowledge of my real family.

(Flashback in italics)

I have been training for a few days now. My mum walked towards me and said "Lucy I need to tell you about our family" me being the curious child I am just nodded wanting to no more. Mum then continued by saying "I am the only family member you know about who is real, Jude is actually your uncle, my brother. You're real dad is the apocalypse dragon acnologia, you have two older brothers the oldest is Zeref and then Laxus then you being the youngest, this also means that your granddad is Makarov" I was stunned I never knew that my dad was the black dragon. I just walked back to my room and sat there thinking about my real family.

I am still surprised to this day to be honest but Zeref is the best brother I could have he is so nice compared to the things people say about him.

3rd person POV

Lucy was walking through the palace exploring it for today was her first day not doing training, she walked towards the library wanting to read something new. She hasn't been in the library before but when she stepped in she was gobsmacked, it was huge.

Lucy's POV

Even though I have been living in the castle for 6 months now I haven't really explored the place, I was walking around looking for the library, I haven't been able to read a book since I left fairy tail because I have missed levy so much. Once a month I talk to Levy over a lacrama phone, last time we talked was a few days ago. She was telling me that everyone in the guild has been miserable and that Lisanna has been all happy.

The funniest thing that Levy has said to me is that Lisanna asked Natsu to go on a date with her and he said NO. I was laughing so much it hurt, I am glad that the guild is feeling miserable now they know how I felt from them constantly ignoring me.

I continued walking towards the library, I wouldn't be surprised if it saw Zeref there he is more of a book worm than Levy and that's saying something.

As I was walking back to my room because I couldn't get any more books. I was carrying 5 books and I had spent my day reading 2 in the library. I walked into my room and there was a big box wrapped in pale pink paper with a huge purple bow sitting on top, next to the present was a card.

The cards said

"Open Me"

I placed the card back on my bed and began unwrapping the present. A large brown box sat on top of the now ripped wrapping paper, I slowly opened it to reveal two sleeping exceeds. The exceeds slowly woke up when I was about to reach in and pick them up.

The cobalt blue exceed climbed out of the box without any help and stood in front of me whilst the pale purple exceed needed help climbing out. I reached into the box and picked the pale purple exceed up carefully, then I placed her next to the other exceed.

The pale purple exceed spoke up saying "We are twins but don't have a name yet, this is my brother and a boy nam-" the pale exceed which I am guessing to be female said before she was cut off by her brother finishing her sentence "a boy named Zeref said to tell you that we are now yours forever and that we should call you Lulu" I snickered at the name that my big brother said because that is all he ever calls me.

I looked at the exceeds closely inspecting them. I pointed towards the girl exceed and said "I will call you Star because of the stars on your face" She had a big yellow star covering her right eye and 3 small yellow stars across her nose. I then named the boy exceed Night because he has a yellow star covering his Left eye. They looked so cute together and so small. Then Star asked "If you are wondering what magic we practice it is the same magic you have but we are just a bit less powerful than you" I was amazed the Night spoke up saying "Ye and we have different forms like we can turn into a small dragon (exceed size) or a human we look about 15 years old in human form and we can turn into a big wolf or a thing called a hellhound".

They showed me all these different form in dragon form they are small enough to sit on my shoulder about the same size as an exceed, Star has pale purple scales and chocolate brown eyes like mine whilst Eclipse has cobalt blue scales and golden eyes.

In human form they both portray 15 year old children, Star has long pale purple hair and wears a pale blue dress with yellow stars, whilst Night has cobalt blue hair (like Natsu's) and wears a black t-shirt with black shorts down to his knees. (They both still have the stars over their eyes).

In wolf form Star is pale purple with white paws, stomach and the tip of her tail. Night is the same but he is cobalt blue. (They are both like Aiyana) There hell hound forms are similar but Star is all black flames and purple flames with Night similar but blue flames.

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