Chapter 2

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Hey guy's In this chapter you meet the one and only MIA!! Hope use like her and Have fun reading!!



Mia Point Of View:


There goes the bell; finally school is over, Freedom! Everyone jumped out of their seats and ran straight to the door. I grabbed my bag and headed to the hall, while hearing the echoing command of my teacher screaming out,"Your homework is due tomorrow, don’t forget" not that any one really cared.

But I’m pretty sure no-one heard her, or those like me just ignored her. She always says that at the end of our classes. Strolling towards my locker, someone purposely bumped right into me and I instantaneously drop my books. I turned around to see my annoying, evil step sister, April. She has short and curly, blonde hair. Her blue and white cheerleading uniform stuck to her body showing all her curves. Her skirt so short that when she bent down you can see her panties. Ewww please, god save us. Her light, blue eyes, that looked like the sky on a beautiful day. Her eyes were beautiful, but with all that eyeliner and mascarra just made her eyes look scary. The amount of make-up she puts everyday, she needs a bucket of foundation, I swear.

I've never really put make up on my face believe it or not. Yeah, your probably thinking what kind of girl doesn't put make-up, but I guess I'm that girl. I don't like putting crap on my face, I'm just not fake. I like the natrual look, I've never dyed my hair, I never went on a starving diet to make me look as skinny as poll or put fake boobs in my bra to make them look bigger. I've got a pretty average size body, I'm perfectly fit because I play soccer. I'm on the school girls team, I guess that's what makes my body so fit and nice. I'm not really into looking good for someone because there isn't anyone to impress. 

"Mother told me to remind you to buy the groceries, on your way home, like today," she sneered, chewing her gum, like she was waiting for something. Her friends called her to come, and she scrabbled away, giving me a smirk.

"Okay," I replied roling my eyes wanting to smack that smirk right off her face.

I bent down, and grabbed my books. I continued on dodging arms and elbows, outstretched ankles, flying books and other harmful and ominous objects in my way, to reach my locker.

I walked out heading to the parking lot, it was gigantic, well not gigantic but you get what I mean. Everyone, teachers, students and some random kids that I never knew or even went to my school were scrambling to their cool cars or their awesome motorbikes. What? I’m cool too. I have the coolest,.. awesome,.. amazing,.. red,.... small,..... bicycle.

I dreamed of having a car, a Ford, a Holden or anything that moves and takes me from A to B. Unfortunately some evil being, known as my step mother, doesn’t want to spend money on things I don’t need or deserve. Which I object to, what do I do that makes me not deserve a car? A car! I bloody clean her room, trust me no-one wants THAT torture, but I’ll consider it in exchange for a car.

To tell you the truth I don’t need it, I’m always isolated at home or either striking off a chore of my endless list that my step mother handed to me. I'm usually always studying. After I finish school, I want to enter the Music of Arts University, ever since mum, my real mum, passed away from Leukaemia I started writing my own lyrics and singing. My mum sang to me all the time, I want to be like her, she is my inspiration. My stepmother doesn’t let me out of her sight, she thinks I’m going to runaway, trust me I thought about it but nah. Well not till after I graduate then I’m getting the heck out of here. I’ll be 18 and it’ll be legal for me to do whatever I want.

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