Chapter 25 ~ Discoveries

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"It's nice to have the manor full again," Alfred said with a warm smile while he looked at wide Wayne family. Even Barbara and Stephanie were here. However, Cassandra had sadly not been able to join the family because she was on a mission in the other side of the world. Nala and Titus were happily playing with one another in the garden, chasing each other through the massive stretch of grass that was all around the manor.

Dick was gently playing with Barbara's long red hair on the couch while discussing and laughing with her. Bruce was sitting in his large armchair, looking at his kids like a proud father and lightly shaking his head at Damian and Steph who were arguing together over a random subject.

"Yeah, it's been a while since that happened," Jason smiled lightly at the butler who was standing just next to him. The young man was leaning against the door frame, observing his family as well with a smile.

"It warms my old heart," Alfred laughed lowly, making Jason laugh as well. However, a few seconds later, Jason felt Alfred's sight on him. "You look preoccupied," the old man said concerned, "is there something wrong?"

Jason lowered is head, glaring absentmindedly at the floor. "Yeah... it's something related to the gang." Dick and Barbara's laugh burst out in the room, causing everyone to smile without any reason. "I'll solve it later, Alf'. Let's make the most out of this evening, shall we?"

The butler smiled warmly as he put his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Of course. Besides, you were, for once, on time today."

"That's nearly a miracle, isn't it?" Jason smirked, causing the old man to laugh lightheartedly. "Where's Tim by the way? He should join us."

"I think Master Tim is still in his room, working on his case. He has been overworking himself on this case..."

Jason shook his head before he started to walk in the stairs' direction. "Give me five minutes and we'll be downstairs." Alfred nodded quietly before he entered inside the living room and stood by Bruce side. The latter smiled warmly at his old friend.

Jason knocked softly at Tim's door and pushed it open. Once inside, he noticed the state in which his brother was in. His hair were all messy and he had dark circles under his eyes. His room was in the exact same state as him. Papers were scattered everywhere. Jason frowned. Tim wasn't the type to let his room untidy. Something was really bad.

"How are you doing Timmy?"

His little brother lifted his head. Not only did he looked tired, but he was totally exhausted. His jaw was way too hollow, showing that the young man hadn't eaten a lot lately. "I'm okay..." he replied weakly before he started to search on his laptop again.

"Don't lie to me little bro, I know you. You're not okay." Tim sighed. "What's happening?"

At first, the teen didn't replied. He glared out of this window silently. Patiently, Jason waited without a word. After one long minute, Tim lowered his head again. "It's this little girl, Alice."

"What about her?" Jason moved from next to the door to Tim's bed and sat on its edge, carefully listening to Tim.

"She's been kidnapped one week ago... I'm working my ass off to find her, but I can't manage to even find a trail as to where she could be... I've searched everywhere but still nothing."

"Why haven't you told me this earlier, Timmy? I could have helped you too. Look in which state you are. How long has it been since your last meal and your last nap?"

Tim shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I have to find her." Tim's big brother put his hand on the teen's shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"Your health does matter. How do you wanna be able to find her if you die from hunger or lack of sleep, uh?" Tim rolled his eyes at his brother's comment. At least, he cracked a small smile. "Join us downstairs Timmy, we are missing you." Jason added softly.

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