Chapter 20 ~ Another Bank Robbery

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During their patrol that night, Red Hood and Nightwing stopped two other purse robberies, one carjacking, they crossed path with a group of thugs who belonged to Black Mask's gang and who, as soon as they had seen both the men, had engaged the fight... In other words, that night had been a long and rough night for the vigilantes.

At around four in the morning, they both decided to take a very short break so they climbed back on top of the Wayne Tower and sat there. Nightwing turned on the little radio he owned which was linked to Gotham's Police Station in order to keep in touch with what was happening in the city, even during their break. Jason removed his helmet, having only his red domino mask on. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his skin was still shinning with sweat.

"I will never understand how you can breathe in this thing," Dick told his little brother as soon as he saw his face.

"That's a secret," Jason smirked while he playfully jabbed his brother in the ribs and then lit up a cigarette. They both laughed and then, a moment of silence surrounded them. However, it wasn't a strange moment of silence, nor a heavy silence. No, it was a comfortable silence. They were both happy to spend the night together, even if it was during a patrol. They had lost their closeness when Jason came back from the dead. They had lost the closeness they had before when Jason was still Robin and Dick was already making his debuts as Nightwing. However, they were slowly starting to want to reconstruct it again.

"Hey, do you remember when the last time we did this was?" Dick asked quietly, breaking the comfortable silence which had installed itself between both the men.

"Last time we did what?" he asked while he blew some cigarette smoke out of his mouth.

"We went on patrol together, just the both of us."

Jason took a moment to think "I honestly don't remember...," he then added with a large smirk, "but I do remember your old Nightwing suit."

"Oh shut up, this suit was amazingly fantastic," the older man answered dramatically as he put an emphasis on 'fantastic'.

"Oh sure," Jason replied back sarcastically, causing his big brother to burst out in laughter. After this, Jason asked his brother how it was going in the Manor. The older man replied that Damian and Tim were still constantly in conflicts with one another, Bruce was juggling between his work as both being Bruce Wayne and Batman and Alfred... well it was Alfred. He also added that Tim was still overworking himself and had been focusing a lot on neutralizing all of Jensen's activities with the help of his virus, which he had improved a lot in the meantime.

As they were discussing, they suddenly heard a concerned voice coming from a police officer emerging from the radio "to all units, we have a robbery signaled at Gotham National Bank. The suspects are heavily armed and there are hostages..."

"Oh damn," Jason said while he put back his helmet on his head, rose on his feet and put out his cigarette. Dick had already gathered all his stuff back and had already shot his grappling gun.

After only a few minutes, they reached the robbery's location. The perimeter around the bank had already been secured with police fences and some officers were discussing what to do with one another, waiting impatiently for the negotiator to show up. On the side, well hidden, a group of men who belonged to the SWAT where waiting for their orders. Finally, there was three ambulances just in front of the police fences.

Nightwing and Red Hood spotted the commissioner Jim Gordon talking with one of his officers next to a black car. Nightwing was about to climb down the building he was standing on with his brother when the latter suddenly said "I'll wait for you here."

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