Chapter 17 ~ A Possible Solution

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Soundtrack : There Is No Plan - Transformers 3 Soundtrack


Jason, out of pure anger, slammed his fist against the closest wall, making a large hole in it. "Fuck's sake! I should have seen it coming!"

"You couldn't have known!" Dick desperately tried to reason him, "You had already reinforced the security around your headquarters anyway! There is nothing more you could have done, they were superior in number..."

Jason groaned loudly, sat on his couch and brought his hands to his still spinning head. "You should rest," Tim declared. His brother shot him a death glare. "Don't look at me this way, you know I'm right."

"I can't rest, I need to find a solution... and Kyle is resting in my bedroom anyway," the man shrugged.

"Lay down on the couch then..."

Jason glanced at his three brothers. They were still wearing their suits which had all more or less been torn at some places because of the fight. The three of them looked exhausted and were standing in the middle of Jason's living room in one of his many safe houses in Gotham. They had headed here right after the fight ended. The whole headquarters' building had completely collapsed and was now a total ruin, there was nothing left to save in it... the fire had burned absolutely everything and the weapons which were stocked in it had all exploded...

"And what do we do now that the Joker is back in Gotham?" Damian asked and a heavy silence suddenly fell in the room. Jason felt a shiver of anger coming down his spine.

"I should have put a bullet in his head while I had the occasion when he was vulnerable in Arkham," Jason replied darkly, "But obviously, Bruce had to intervene with his stupid moral and whatever other bullshit."

"Yeah, because it's not how we work!" Dick snapped, annoyed.

"Maybe, but we wouldn't have a freakin' maniac running freely in town once again!" the man retorted again, anger spitted out of his words.

Tim sat next to him and with a soft voice said "Listen man, I know it's hard considering the current circumstances but it's useless to be angry. We need to find a solution to, first, find you and what's left of your gang a new headquarters and second, to take down the Joker, Black Mask and this Matt Jensen guy."

"Even if I hate to admit it, Drake is right," Damian confirmed. Jason glared at his younger brother, sat next to him and sighed.


"I may have a solution to take down Jensen and Black Mask, though," the teen said as a smirk spread across his lips. His three brothers glared at him, confused. "Dick, do you remember the project I was working on?"


When Kyle opened his eyes, he was rather confused as to where he was. He was on a bed and in a room he didn't recognize. He looked around him. The room was rather large, the walls plain white and a large window was allowing the sunlight to bathe the room through the opened curtains, warming it up slightly. There was a massive closet on the left of the bed. Just in front of the piece of furniture was standing an even larger library full of books.

Kyle wiped his hand over his eyes, trying to remember who brought him here and where he was but the only thing he could remember was the headquarters' roof collapsing in front of his eyes, Nightwing, Red Hood and then he blacked out. He felt a headache coming but instead of lying still on the bed, the young man decided to get up. He instantly regretted it as he felt as if a fire was spreading through his chest. He hissed in pain while he peered at his bandaged torso under his shirt. He also let a sigh escape from his mouth when he saw that his left arm was completely cast, preventing him from making any movement.

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