Chapter 22 ~ Aggression

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I noticed that I had never really showed you how I was picturing Kyle in my head, so here he is, under the traits of young Leonardo DiCaprio c: this gif is magic though, let's admit it xD hum, anyway. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, even if it's a bit shorter than usual. ^^

/!\ Warning, this chapter contains some lines depicting domestic abuse and bullying.

Kyle was silently observing all the lieutenants from the back of the room. He was leaning, arms crossed, against the meeting room wall. They were all here, gathered by Red Hood himself for an emergency meeting. Jason hadn't arrived yet, but it was only a matter of minutes before he joined them all.

"What do you think it is?" one of the lieutenants asked.

"No idea, but it seems important..."

A third one sighed loudly while he banged his hands against the large steel table, "of course it's important, you dumbasses. Otherwise we wouldn't all be here."

The first lieutenant who had talked rose on his feet and barked, "who are you calling a dumbass?!"

Kyle shook his head and sighed lowly. 'Pathetic' he thought as he watched the three men arguing while the others started to join the argument. Only one man remained silent, a dark scowl on his face. He was staring at Kyle, his sight dark as well. It was Aaron. Kyle locked eyes with him and felt a shiver running down his spine. This man hated him, he was sure of it. Before, the young man would most certainly have lowered his head in submission, but his newly found confidence allowed him to hold it.

Aaron frowned. He despised Kyle's behavior and if it wasn't for the room being filled with the other lieutenants and him being sitting at the steel table while the young man was standing at the back of the room, he would have lunged forward and punched him square in the face for his arrogance.

Both men got snapped out of their wordless confrontation when the large steel door leading to the meeting room burst open and Red Hood stepped inside the room. The tall man let the door close itself loudly. A heavy silence fell in the room as soon as the lieutenants noticed their leader's arrival. The latter stood there, without saying a word, and all the people in the room felt uneasy. Kyle smirked slightly; still standing in his corner. Hood suddenly shook his head and said lowly, but with a clearly annoyed tone "I feel like I'm leading a fucking kindergarten." He then observed all of them. "You may all be doing a good work, but it won't prevent me from kicking your asses out of here if you keep on behaving like a bunch of spoiled kids. Am I clear?" all the lieutenant nodded evenly without a word of protestation.

Hood crossed the room and sat on the last empty chair remaining. He leaned on the table and remained silent during a few long seconds, making all his men uncomfortable. "Alright," he finally declared, "I got a very interesting information yesterday concerning these series of bank robberies."

"You know who's behind them?" a woman asked.

"Yes, but first thing first, let me expose the situation." The lieutenants all exchanged a confused glance and even Kyle frowned. "You obviously all know that we are targeting Jensen and Black Mask at the moment and you must all know as well that Jensen's bank accounts have been frozen since a few weeks," Hood clasped his hands loudly, "well, I discovered that not only both of them already had financial issues to finance their business but they are both now desperately in need of funds. So guess who is behind those robberies? OUr guys themselves, but especially Jensen. All those robberies are linked." Jason then turned his head towards Kyle and the young man, even if it was hidden behind his helmet, felt his sight on him, "I already knew for sure that the very first robbery had been executed by Jensen but I'm now certain that he is behind all of them."

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