15. family dinner

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Harry was in awe.
Complete awe.
Is this actually where Louis grew up? Where he lives? Oh my god! I'm going to be a mess. I'll embarrass him, for sure. This was such a bad idea, such a bad bad idea. But then it felt so good when Louis told me that I am coming along. But no. No. This is waaayy too much. I can't. I can't. I just can't.
Harry gulped.
"Come on. We don't have any time to spare." Niall said as he got out of the car. Louis wore his blazer and followed him.

Why hadn't Louis spoken to me even once in the car? Why isn't he looking at me? Did I do something wrong?
Harry got out of the car, shutting the door softly.
Niall started running to the entrance, followed by Louis and as the boys were running even Harry ran.
Niall rung the bell, saying "Let's hope mum doesn't kill us."
Harry shifted closer to Louis, instinctively.

The door opened after what felt like years to Harry.
He was nervous, and his palms were sweating, in spite of the cold.
He gulped, when a person dressed in a professional black suit opened the door.
He bowed slightly to Louis and Niall and opened the door wide.
Harry followed them inside.
Oh my god.

Harry was never poor, and he always had what he could ever need, from childhood and he was living comfortably well now, and this was the first time he felt out of place. This house was spectacular. But what made him feel out of his depth was knowing that Louis had grown up here.
Harry was taking in his surroundings when Niall opened a door and entered.

The first thing he saw was the Christmas tree.
It was so beautiful and intricate. Harry felt scared walking around. He felt as if someone was going to shout or scream or scold him any moment for doing something wrong.
"MAaa!" Niall almost screams, in joy!

Harry overlooks a quick hug between Niall and a woman and Louis and her. Just then Louis looks at him and he freezes.
What did I do?
"Mum, I'd like you to meet someone."
"Is this Harry?"
Louis looked at her sharply, "How do you know?"
"Niall had texted me earlier."

She walked over to Harry and smiled.
He nods slowly.
"I'm Jay. Louis' and Niall's mother. You look really good. I'm surprised I'd never heard of you before."
Harry was unsure of what to say to a lady that looked so refined. He was scared that if he opened his mouth utter gibberish would come out and he would be escorted out. So he shuffled on his feet and smiled, his cheeks burning up in embarrassment.
"I think you all should come over to the dining hall, your father is waiting there."
"Mum! The tree looks beautiful, as always. You always take it a step further each year."
Jay waved off Niall and motioned for all of them to follow her, before she walked out of the room.
Niall dutifully followed her out.

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