14. birthday wish

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"Louis. We are late. We are so so late. Open the door!" , Niall thumped his hand on Louis bedroom door.
"I'm coming in." And before Louis could protest Niall barged in.
Louis was setting his hair in front of the mirror.
"LOUIS! Enough is enough man. Ma has called me thrice and dad will call any minute now. Please! Your hair looks fine. Let's goooo..." Niall said dragging the last word for emphasis.
Louis huffed once.
"Okay let's go."


Harry was walking to Louis building.
I hope he likes the gift. Shit. What if he is really angry at me? What if he doesn't open the door. God.. This is such a bad idea. Why would he accept me after the way I treated him. I practically threw out of my house. Shit. This is a disaster. I better go back home.
Harry stopped in his tracks debating what to do. He fidgeted with his shirt. But if I've already come this much, I might as well give him his gift and wish him. Plus he invited me so that must mean that he wanted me here... But what if he doesn't want me anymore after the way I treated him...
"May I help you, ma'am?"
Harry turned around.
"So-sorry. Sir.." The doorman looked ashamed.
"May I help you with something?"
"Umm.. No. Thank you. I was just leaving."
"Oh. All right sir."
Shit. Now I have to leave. God!
Harry groaned and turned to walk out of the lobby.


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Louis showed Niall his phone with a huge smile, "Look....You clean up well Nialler. I swear, the blond hair, doesn't look too bad on you."


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