06. coincidence

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Harry was walking towards his car when he heard "HARRY!" and stopped and turned around

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Harry was walking towards his car when he heard "HARRY!" and stopped and turned around.

Louis was walking back with Niall, after buying some stuff for his birthday when he saw someone walk past him and the smell was distinctly familiar... He followed the person with his eyes when it suddenly clicked, "HARRY!" he shouted.
He saw the boy stop and then turn around.
"Go to the car, I'll be there." Niall huffed and walked away, where as Louis jogged over to Harry.
"Hey mate! How are you?"
Harry was shuffling foot to foot, distinctly uncomfortable. And Louis took a step back wondering if it was a mistake.
Did I do something wrong?

Harry looked back up, wishing he had his shades with him , "I'm fine. How are you?"
He winced, his own voice sounding foreign to him, way too hoarse, that's when he realised this was the first time he was talking in a long long time.
"I'm good ; good, yea' . Do you live nearby?"
"No, not exactly. But maybe. Like..." Harry's throat was scratching.
Louis noticed that something was amiss. He barely knew him, but somehow knew that this was not him. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"Harry. I don't mean to.. like.. "
Shit. I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way.
Louis tried again, "You don't seem fine. And I didn't have your number, I didn't wanna ask Zayn about it, so I left it. But I always wondered after the way you left my apartment whether.. You were all right, I mean.. You left in such a rush, you seemed panicked. So yea..." Louis trailed off, he noticed Harry wincing once and scratching his neck.
When Harry spoke Louis was stunned to see tears in his eyes, "Umm.. I'm.. I don't know.. I mean.. thank you for asking but I ... I really should get going. I'm sorry." He hung his head low, his voice way too deep and wobbly. Harry felt like sliding down to the ground and sobbing.
Louis nodded, sensing that something really bad was going on but he could not help asking, "okay, but listen its my birthday.. On 24th and yea, I was wondering if you were free, like.. If you weren't going back to your family for Christmas, maybe, I mean... Come to my place. I'm hosting lunch for my friends and I just .. You are invited. So yea. Harry, are you okay? You.. Shit!"
Harry was crying. He was leaking tears after tears, his face was blotched and his nose was running. He used his hand to wipe his face but it was not helping. His beanie fell to the ground and Louis immediately bent and picked it up, dusting it.
"Harry?" He spoke softly his hand touching his shoulder, to give him support.
Harry just shook his head, he didn't know why he started crying. He was holding back, but then Louis went and invited him to his birthday and indirectly called him his friend and harry just got overwhelmed and he didn't even realize he was crying before Louis reacted. He tried to stop. Gasping and wiping his eyes. But his body was not listening to him.
"Harry? Can I drive you home?"
Harry shook his head, involuntarily.
"Come to my place?" Louis asks tentatively, he didn't wanna rush him , "I'm not trying to rush you, but I'm not allowing you to drive in this state. Okay? So its your choice. I have all the time."
Harry didn't want to take Louis to his place because he feared his reaction, but going to Louis place didn't seem ..right.
After a while, he says very meekly.. His eyes still bloodshot, "You can come over to my place."
Louis nodded, "give me a minute." And he runs back to his car and finds Niall sleeping. "Ni..Ni...Ni..." He jabbed his shoulder until Niall woke up, "Eh?!"
"Listen I can't drive you back home so.. He points to his keys on the dashboard, " Drive back home. Okay? Don't tell mum, she'll kill me and you. And drive safe, don't skip the lights, and if you get pulled over call me, not mum, not your father. Okay? Now go." Niall was wide awake now and grinning. "YOU ARE THE BEST!" Niall crossed over to the drivers seat.
"Don't make me regret this okay?"
Niall nodded, starting the engine. Still smiling, grinning widely.
"Park it properly!"
"Yea. Now buzz off.."
Niall drove away and Louis ran back to where Harry was to see that no one was in sight.
Where is he? Please don't tell me he left. It'll be humiliating to another level.
Louis heart was beating so fast, he walked around and he heard someone knocking, he turned to see Harry was inside a car. A range rover. Harry had knocked on the glass. Louis was so relieved.
He got in and started the car, "I was so scared. I thought you drove away in this state of yours. I was positive I killed you. Coz if you drive in this state your chances to die are so high that.. Okay. Its fine. You are here. Cool. You'll have to give me directions."
Harry was eerily silent, Louis thought he didn't hear him, so he was about to repeat himself when Harry nodded.
"Okay.. Here we go."
Louis drove with precision, not wanting to rush.
I hope Niall didn't crash.
He could see Harry wiping his eyes in his periphery vision, but the frequency declined over time and Harry's voice grew a bit stronger while giving directions to his place.
Once Louis parked the car, Harry spoke, "Please don't laugh...okay?"
Why would I laugh?
"Okay. Let's go."
Harry took his shopping bags from the backseat and closed the door. He hoped Louis didn't laugh, that would be so embarrassing.
Harry was getting restless and panicky thinking about it.
Oh god.

Louis followed harry up the stairs and waited patiently as Harry unlocked the door and held it open for Louis to enter.

Harry was holding his breath for Louis reaction, hoping fervently that it was at least a neutral one if not positive.

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