Hunting Dog

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Nico's POV

"Lady Artemis, Nico didn't do anything. I kissed him" Thalia said as soon as we got there. That comment made Artemis laugh. I wonder why? "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!! YOU BROKE THE OATH!!! NO YOU LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP LISTEN TO ME" Why did she call me crap? My name is Nico. I was about to tell her that but a look at Thalia shut me up."YOU MADE MY BEST HUNTRESS FALL  IN LOVE WITH YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHAT SORT OF FUCKING DEATH THREATS OR MENTAL GAMES YOU USED BUT YOU ARE GOING TO UNDO THEM NOW!!!!!!!! BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A HUNTING DOG!!!!!!" Mental games???? Death threats?????

What the Hades is wrong with that woman?? "Lady Artemis I swear I didn't use any mental game or death threat in Thalia I love her." "I love you too" She hugged me and all of a sudden I began to shrink. That bitch "Woof!"

Thalia's POV

"Lady Artemis I swear I didn't use any mental game or death threat in Thalia I love her." That's sooooo sweet "I love you too" I hugged Nico even though I wanted to kiss him I couldn't kiss him because... Artemis.

All of a sudden Nico shrank and I was carrying a hunting dog  "Woof!" I nearly dropped Nico. "Artemis, please turn him back" I said siriusly (A/N: :P) trying not to yell at her 'YOU LITTLE BITCH!!! TURN NICO BACK RIGHT NOW!!!! YOU CAN'T GET MAD AT HIM FOR A DECISION I MADE!!!! I QUIT THE HUNT!!!'  

I will tell Artemis that as soon as she turns Nico back. Artemis asked "THALIA GRACE!!!! HOW CAN YOU CARE FOR A GUY???? THEY ARE ALL STINKY LITTLE UNGRATEFUL BITCHES THAT WILL LEAVE YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!" I strongly disagree with Artemis. Not ALL guys are like that. "Lady Artemis Nico isn't like that. I am sure you will like him as soon as you get the chance!" Artemis looked like she was about to blow me to ashes.

"NOT EVEN ONE GUY IS WORTHY ENOUGH FOR GETTING MY APPROVAL!!! " Gods!!!! Curse her! "Lady Artemis can we get to an arrangement? Like if you let me leave the hunt in peace and change Nico back I will get you two new hunters." Artemis studied me.

"I like your terms Thalia..." YES!!!!! "but..." Crap. "Zeus and Hades most approve of you two being together." She stated. SHIT!!!! WE ARE DOOMED!!!! Well they would have found one way or another. "I agree"

With that Nico was human again. "Where were we?" With that he kissed me and I swear in that moment we were infinite. (A/N: I just love The Perks of being a Wallflower) Then we broke apart and went out of the cabin while I told Nico everything.

After that we went to the campfire because we had already missed dinner. Then we saw Aphrodite. She was holding the microphone and looking super excited. When she saw us walking together holding hands she started jumping up and down and fangirling. After calming down she said "Now that we are complete we can start sing along"

I wonder why did she need us? "Nico, Thalia you are both going to sing a song I already chose. Then you will dedicate to someone special" SHIT!!! Now I knew her plans. Aphrodite was going to make us confess our love in front of camp. Oh well. Nothing could go that wrong, right? "I will start" I said. Then I headed to the microphone to start singing.

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