● C H A P T E R 14

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I felt Alex crawl onto our bed and she curled right up to Rae. As if it was a routine Rae pulled her closer to her chest.

I missed my girls.

I got up and sat on the couch. That's when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it off of the living room table.

Who this hell is calling this late at night?


"Son of a bitch, you are back in town and didn't tell your bestfriend."

Robin. That's who would call this late at night.

"Sorry dude, I just wanted to be with Rae for a little bit."

"I guess I could forgive you but anyways," thats when I heard a woman say lay back down.

"Oh, you have company."

"Its just Mary, we've been dating for about a year now."

I nodded but quickly said okay when I realized he couldn't see my face.

"Well tell the gang to come to the condo tomorrow. I'm having a party."

"Alright, see you later and tell Alex I said hey."


He hung up and I leaned back into the sofa.

Shit, everythings different.

I heard footsteps and looked to see Alex.

"Daddy what are you doing?"

"Just thinking."

She crawled onto the sofa and sat on my lap. She looked up at me.

"Are you going to leave again?"

"Never, ever I'm staying forever."

She nodded and laid her little head onto my chest. I could tell she went back to sleep and I smiled at her.

I missed her first word, and steps. I'm such a shitty person.

I felt myself begin to cry when I heard Rae's footsteps. She saw me and smiled.

"Look at you, she obviously going to favor you more than me. You baby her so much."

I turned to Rae and the tears flowed down. She immediately hugged me and I leaned my head into her.

"I missed her first words, and steps. I don't even deserve the term dad just sperm donor."

"Aiden, its okay. You will be here for everything else. It's no pressure at all okay. Just remeber she sees as an amazing dad not a sperm donor."

I nodded and she held me tighter.

I missed being in her arms.

I heard her laugh and looked up at her.

"What's so funny?"

"That's a trait she got from you. She falls asleep as soon as she cuddles up to me. I'm not a human pillow."

"You kinda are. "

"Okay big baby just go to sleep and stop shedding tears."

I nodded again and then lifted up quickly.

"The gang is coming over tomorrow we have to grocery shopping."

She nodded and pulled me back to the bedroom and we all went to asleep as a family.


We walked down the aisle of the supermarket. Rae told me to wait in line and I stood with Alex. A old woman walked up to Alex and smiled.

"Hey missy, where's your mother?"

Does she not see me standing here?

Alex shrugged and pointed at me.

"Miss.T thats my daddy."

The old lady, or Ms. T, turned to me and hugged the life out of me.

"You look even handsome than Raelyn described you. I'm Abby, Alex's caretaker."

Aww, Rae talked to me about peope. I wonder how she described me.

Thats when something fell in the cart. Rae stood and smiled and hugged Abby. They talked and then she turned to me.

"She is so sweet and she loves Alex."

I nodded then nudged her head.

"So how do you describe me to other people?"

She was about to speak when Alex spoke first.

"Daddy she said you have green eyes, you tall, and you always have a smile, but she said you pout just like me. Is that true daddy?"

I began to pout and turned to Rae.

"Is this really what you told her?"

"Your pouting now big baby now help me but me with these bags. "


The doorbell rang and I heard Rae shout that she has it.

I walked from our bedroom and saw Ethan and Imogen. Alex ran past me and jumped into his arms. I walked in behind her and Ethan frowned at me.

"I had to change so many diapers. I should choke you rifht now, but I'm not. "

"I missed you to Ethan."

I hugged Imogen and Ethan pulled me in for a hug.

"She missed you man, well we all did."

I hugged him back and Alex junoed from his arms to mine. She put her tiny hands on my face and smiled at me.

"Daddy, can I have a some cookies?"

"Of course."

She kissed my nose and the doorbell rang again. I opened it this time and I heard who it was.

"Wassup bitches, your favorite is here."

Jesus who keeps inviting Frankie to the functions.


Last chapter. No more. I'm weeping, make sure to vote and comment.

That's all folks.

Seriously that's it.

Go to another book.

It isn't a marvel movie.

Bonus chapters coming soon!

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