● C H A P T E R 3

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When Aiden left the whole class turned to me and began to talk.

"Class settle down. We still have a lesson to go through."

Mikey, one of my favorite students, raised his hand.

"So you're married?"

I want to be, he just won't propose.

"Not yet, so its still Ms.Myers."

Another student raised their hand.

"He is super cute, you guys are pefect together."

I felt a blush covering my face. The whole class awed. I cleared my throat.

"Okay, lets get back to the lesson. Maybe we will talk about him if we finish early."


School was over and I was packing up the papers that I had to grade that night. A girl with my complextion and hair came up to me.

"Could you tell your boyfriend I said thanks, he really helped me out today?"

Helped her with her with what. He can be so naive sometimes he don't even know what he's doing.

"Okay, and your name?"

"He called me Little Rae."

He's such a creep.

"Will do. See ya later okay mini me."

She smile and nodded and we went our separate ways.


I headed outside and dialed Aiden. He picked up on the third ring.

"I'm on my way."

I chuckled, "Why couldnt I just be calling to say I love you?"

"Because you're you, and you don't like to wait."

"Shut up. Your impatient to. Don't flex."

"I never said I wasn't babe. But thanks for admitting it."

His matte black g-wagon pulled up and I got in. I placed a kiss on his lips and he smiled.

"I missed you."

"You saw me like an hour ago, also you're an asshole those kids are all in my buisness now."

"But you love this guy. So what? They need to know why you're so happy."

"Yea, they need to know what causes my grey hairs."

He rolled his eyes and we pulled up to the condo. I got out and he through me over my shoulder. I giggled and punched him on his back.

"I have on a skirt. Put me down."

"Nope, your ego is getting to big I need to shrink it down."

He hit my butt and unlocked the door. He laid me on our bed and pulled me close to him.

"I love you so much."

"I know."

"Are you ready for the next level?"

I raised an eyebrow and he smiled at me.


Hell fucking yes.


He nodded his head. Then he put his finger up telling to me to wait.

Raelyn Reynolds has such a nice ring to it.

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