● C H A P T E R 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slammed my hand on the alarm. I don't feel like getting up today. That's when the covers began to drag off of me.

"Babe! We're going to be late. Get up before I make you."

A smirked formed on my face. I opened my eyes and looked at my girlfriend. She stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed and an angry expression.

"Make me."

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

"Woman get back here and love me!"

She didn't respond, it was completely silent in our condo. I got up and followed to where she went. She sat on the couch with a grin on her face.

"Told ya' I can make you get up."

She's still has that country accent.

When I came back to reality she was hugging my waist. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

"I don't go into the office today. Do you have to report for training still?"

"Yes sir. I'm not up for no reason."

"Okay shorty, go get dressed and I'll drop you off."

She pushed me off and glared. She looks so cute when she's angry. I pulled her back to me.

"But you are a shorty so don't be angry at me."

"I'm not short. I'm just vertically challenged. Now leave me alone so I can get dressed."

After thirty minutes of waiting for her to get dressed she finally out of the bedroom. I grabbed my keys and took her hand.


We pulled up to our old high school and she exhaled a deep breath and turned to me.

"Aiden those kids are so mean to me. I don't think I can do this."

"Hey, you got this. It's your dream after all. Call me if you need anything okay."

She leaned in to kiss me and nodded her head. I waited until she got inside the building. Sleep here I come.

Buzz. Buzzz. Buzz.

What is it now.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone and Rae's name appeared.

"Hello sweetie."

"Aiden it's an emergency!", she sounded like she was in a bathroom.

When I heard that I hopped out of bed and put my sweats back on.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"My period came on. Can you bring me a dark colored skirt and panties from my... second draw?"

"Okay I'm on my way."

"Biggest favor. Go to the store-"

I tuned her out. I can't do it, jesus I'm a grown man and I still can't by pads for my girlfriend. Man up dude.

"Aiden! We're you listening?"

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Pads. Skirt. Panties."

She hung up. I should really write a book on how to piss your girlfriend off in ten minutes. I quickly grabbed everything she needed and headed to Target.


I headed towards the feminine section and got completely lost. It was so many brands and colors. If you pick the wrong on Rae is going to be upset.

That's when I saw a camera flash in my direction. A group of teenagers giggled and they all ran when I looked up at them.

Isn't it illegal to take pictures of people. On the brightside I could be Aiden from Target. I quickly dropped the dumb thoughts and hurried to find some help. That's when I bumped into a small girl.

I quickly grabbed girl and she curled up into me. She latched onto and began to weep.

What the actual fuck?

"Hey, are you okay?"

She shook her head.

"Have you started your period yet?"

She nodded. Yes! The help I needed.

"Which brand is the best?"

"The Always brand."

I scanned for it and grabbed it with the girl still attached to me. I pulled her off and she looked up at me sadly.


Awww, she looks like Rae when she was in high school.

"I need to go but we can walk and talk."

She nodded and followed me to the check out line. I checked out and then turned to her.

"So, where you headed to?"

"Richardson High School."

"Me to. Do you need a ride?"

She nodded and we got into my car. We pulled up to the school and I called Rae.

"Where are you Aiden?"

"I'm here, which bathrom are you in?"

"The teacher's bathroom by the 10th grade science lab."

She hung up and small weirdo looked up at me.

"So which teacher do you date?"

"Umm Ms. Myers. Do you know her?"

"Oh that helper lady. She's cool, the guys love her. "

Calm down there just hormonal teens.

"Cool, well see ya later. I have to go."

I ran off to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Rae cracked it and pulled me in.

"What in the hell took you so long?"

"I didn't know which brand you liked, and some girl was crying on me , plus she needed a ride. So yep."

She closed her eyes and exhaled.

"I love you Aiden okay. No matter if I stab you or not just know I love you to the moon and back."

She opened her eyes and snatched the bags from me. I sat on the toliet and waited for her to be done. She was about to leave until I patted my lap.

"Aiden I have to go."

"Just sit, then you can go."

She sat down and looked up at me. I grinned and kissed her.

"Whose the best boyfriend in the world?"

"You Aiden."

She grinend back and leaned on me.

"I'll see you later. If you invite your idiots over please close our bedroom door. "

"But you love us idiots."

She got up and rolled her eyes and we went our seperate ways.

Okay, first book so its a work in progress. Please vote, comment and share this book. Thanks love ya.

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