● C H A P T E R 7

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One month later

I was woken up by the sound of Rae emptying out her stomach.

She can't hold anything down anymore.

I quickly went into the bathroom and pushed her curly hair back. Her forehead was dreanched with sweat and she was breathing at an unsteady pace. She leaned back into me and smiled.

"Seems like the baby doesn't want me to have a smooth pregnancy."

Before I could say anything she moved her head to the toilet. I wiped the sweat from her forehead and she got up and brushed her teeth.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No, go to work I'll be fine."

I nodded and put on the clothes she picked for me. When I got done getting dressed she laid on the bed.

"I'm leaving, I love you and if anything goes wrong call me okay."

She nodded and went back to sleep.


I arrived in my office and sat at my desk. Marilyn, my PA, came in quickly and sat in her chair.

"Sir we have three meetings today along with a brunch."

I nodded and she continued on. I opened my laptop went through emails and started printing things I needed.

"Aiden, is Rae okay? Don't tell her I told you but I don't think she said she's afraid to eat."

"When did she say this?"

"I just got off the phone with her."

My poor baby. I shouldn't have gotten her pregnant.

Marilyn walked out of my office and I immediately called Rae.

"Hey Aiden, whats wrong?"

"Did you even eat all of the food from last night?"

"What? Yes, I have to eat for the baby."

Being at work just makes me frustrated quicker.

"A source tells me your afraid to eat, I know you don't like-"

That's when I heard her start to cry.

"No you don't Aiden. You don't know what it feels like. You just think its super easy when it isn't. So yes I am afraid to eat!"

The line went dead and I yelled in frustration. How can this day get any worse?

"Knock knock, your sweetie pie is here."

I spoke to soon.


She's been sitting in my office for the last hour playing with her shirt.

"Rose, what are you doing in my office?"

She shrugged and looked at her watch. She's planning something and I don't know what.

Thats when I noticed everyone going out for lunch. I looked up at her again and pointed towards the door.

"It's lunch time."

She smiled and took her shirt off and walked towards me.

"W-what are you doing?"

She put her finger on my lip and kissed me. What the hell is going on? What am I doing?

She leaned back and smiled at me.

"Say stop and I will."

My body was stiff and she leaned back in and kissed me again. I kissed her back until I heard my office door slam.

"Fuck you Aiden!"

My head snapped and Rae was standing there with tears rolling down her face. I pushed Rose off and ran towards her.

"No Rae, it's no-"

"Fuck off."

She ran faster and got to the elevator. I caught up with her and grabbed her wrist. She slapped me so hard in the face and pushed me back.

"Fuck off! Go back to your hoe."

I looked at her and she looked at me with her eyes full of disgust and hatred. I tried to grab her again but she pushed me back once more.

"Please Rae, I'm sorry. Lets talk."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I quickly grabbed her before she got on and she pushed me off again.

"Aiden, you can go talk to that bitch."

I was only holding on to her legs when she kicked me and got on the elevator. The doors closed and I sat up and the tears began to rub down my face.

I don't know what hurts more my face or my heart.


I sat at my desk with my head down with tears still flowing down my face. My office door opened and I heard a hand slam on my desk.

"What the hell Aiden? She's crying her soul out while you're just sitting here."

I looked up at Marilyn and sympathy flashed in her eyes. My lip quivered and the tears came down faster.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know why I even did it. I'm so stupid."

She patted my head and sighed.

"Did you at least tell Ethan?"

Shit, he's going to rip my lips off of my face.

I shooed her out of my office and dialed him. He answered on the third ring.

"Aiden, I'm not picking her up."

"It's not about that Ethan."

It got quiet and I heard shuffling over the phone.

"What happened Aiden? The last time you sounded this upset was when your dog died."

"I-I cheated on her. I didn't mean to I swear. I'm really sorry Ethan."

The line went dead and my heart dropped.

I'm going to die. He's going to kill me and no one is going to stop him.

Hey guys, it hasnt been that long. (Seriously don't remember] but heyyyy, finally some drama whatcha think about it.

[Comment right here]

But yass scream queens returns on September 20th and Empire comes back on September 21st. Narcos on Netflix is September 2nd , and best for last OUAT comes back Spetember 25th.

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But comment, Vote all of that. Thanks for reading bye ✌

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