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**Natalie's POV**

It seemed as if at that moment, time stood still, and I took in the sight before me. The father, whom had single-handedly torn his son's life apart without even knowing it, was being reunited with the broken boy he had left many years ago.

No one spoke for a moment, probabally overcoming the shock of the situation. The elderly man shakily took a deep breath, slowly taking a step forward towards the distraught man laying in the hospital bed.

"I've missed you so much" The old man gasped as a tear fell from his eyes. David looked at him in shock, unsure that this momen was real. I squeezed his hand in reassurance to let him know that everything was okay.

"H-how did you find me?" David whispered, avoiding the emotional comment his father just made.

"You're all over the news. I've been looking for you for so long, I thought you were dead."  He cried, stumbling towards the bed. David took a deep breath, softly pushing his body into a sitting position near the top of the bed.

"I'll give you guys a moment." I spoke to David, wrapping an arm around him to softly hug him goodbye. He nodded in confirmation as i limped over to the door, leaving them to reunite in silence.

I waddled back towards my room, grasping onto the wall for support, until I stepped down roughly, sending a stabbing pain through my leg, causing me to let out a yelp and fall to the ground.

A hand quickly reached down in a panic and helped me up, letting my eyes meet with a pair of soft, concerned ones.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" The young girl spoke, checking me to see if I was hurt.

"Yeah I'm okay, just a little sore. I decided that it would be a brilliant idea to walk around on a sprained ankle." I lightly laughed, checking out my purple-colored foot.

She giggled in response, sticking her hand out to me, "I'm Mara" she introduced herself.

"Natalie" I spoke sweetly, taking her hand and smiling. She began to walk me back to my room before hearing loud, distressed yells, and a crashing noise coming from down the hall. The police officers waiting outside David's room ran in, opening the door to let out David's muffled screams.

I rushed towards the room to find David being held back by 2 built officers with his IV ripped out from his struggle, and the medical tray flipped over onto the ground. He struggled, shouting inaudible curses and words filled with anger towards his father, who was cowering away, slowly moving back each time David stepped forward.

Mara and I looked over at each other, before our attention was turned to officer O' Brian running into the room.

"Natalie, I thought you were told to stay in bed?" He softly asked, his voice full of concern as he glanced over to David.

"Oh, hi Dad, I was just helping her back to her room when we heard someone screaming, we though someone was hurt." Mara spoke for me.

"Dad?" I asked, not realizing that she was the daughter of the man who saved my life not too long ago.

"Come on girls, lets get you back to your room Natalie." Officer O' Brian said, ushering us out of the room quietly as the officers handled the situation.

"Yeah, he's my dad, you guys know eachother?" She asked curiously.

"Uh... kinda..." I said, unsure of how to answer. I though it was a bit too soon to tell her the whole story of David and I's history. She nodded in understanding and opened my hospital room's door for me.

"Thank you." I whispered, not wanting to disrupt the next door patients and doctors quietly doing their jobs.

We sat down and turned on the TV to the food network channel, making small talk as we waited for Officer O' Brian to return. After about half an hour of discussing our favorite movies and clothing brands, the same elderly man that had enraged David shuffled into the room.

I stared at him wide-eyed, unsure if he had walked into the wrong room, but my train of thoughts were interrupted by him speaking.

"N-Natalie... I really need your help."


I'm so sorry for such a long wait!!! I've recently been swamped with volleyball, school, work, and projects from my new school. I'm moving again and transferring to a new school, but I quit my job here so as soon as I get settled into my new house, I should be back to updating regularly again. Thakyou to all of my readers whom have stuck by me, waiting for this update, and my new readers who have also waited as well. 5.4K reads you guys!!! Thats incredible!! You are all so amazing and I love you guys more than I can expain. Please tweet me or message me if you want to be in my story or you want a dedication. Thakn you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


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